15: On The Horizon

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The warehouse was cold. Voices echoed through the empty space uninhibited. 

They were loud and completely unguarded. 

"How much?" A woman asked, reaching into something with a zipper. Maybe a bag, maybe a wallet. 

"Well considering the capabilities well over what you can pay tonight." A man responded. 

Tomoya looked down at the metal runway the people were standing on. A woman was standing on one side, accompanied by a man holding a gun. On the opposite side there were three men, one in front, two behind holding someone who was definitely male but clearly not old enough to be called a man. 

"Hey, you don't even know if his quirk works on humans yet, so don't get so cocky." The woman grumbled. "7000.". 

"Who the fuck do you take me for?" The man snapped. "I'm taking a risk meeting you. I've only had him for 4 hours. Once I send a few calls out I'll have regular clients lined up around the block to get their hands on this. Healing quirks aren't an everyday thing.". 

"Yeah but a healing quirk that doesn't work on people isn't gonna help us one bit." The woman reminded him, "I asked to see your best. The kid's dog shit.". 

"How fucking dare you-" The man shouted. One of the bodyguards let go of the boy, who was audibly sobbing around the gag in his mouth and held him back, obviously conscious of the woman's armed escort. 

And that was Tomoya's cue. He jumped from the rafters and landed behind the armed man. He grabbed the gun with his gloved hand, throwing it over the side and used his uncovered hand to touch the man. 

He fell to the ground, gasping for breath. The woman turned around and Tomoya grabbed her neck with his uncovered hand. He had sticky tape over the pads of his fingers so there would be absolutely no evidence. She too collapsed, falling over the railing to a far more dramatic death by impact with the metal floor 2 floors beneath them. 

The thud echoed just as their voices had. 

The man shouted at his bodyguards to attack Tomoya, who grabbed the railing and braced for impact. 

The moment they touched him in an attempt to throw him over it, the fell to the metal runway.

"H-help!" One of them croaked out, "Help fuck I can't breathe-". The rest was just the incoherent babbling of a dying man and of no interest to Tomoya. 

That left just the man and the boy. 

The man was holding the captive teenager, a pocket knife pressed to the pale skin of his throat. "D-don't come any closer." He threatened, "I'll kill him. You don't want that do you? You want the kid alive?". 

Tomoya didn't respond, merely stared. He had found having red eyes was beneficial in moments like these. Despite opinions changing towards mutant quirks and more unusual eye colours, red was still perceived as 'bad'. 

Demonic, some would say. And although Tomoya had compared the two his red eyes were nothing like Eri's. There was no innocent sparkle, at least not right now. Just bloodlust. 

"Its already in the air." He said simply. "You're a dead man walking. Put the knife down.". He took a step closer. 

"You're bluffing." The man said, slightly confident. When Tomoya didn't falter, he started getting visibly nervous.

"Put the knife down." Tomoya repeated firmly. Now the boy looked terrified. He probably already felt suffocated by the gag, he didn't need the idea that he was dying in his head. 

The placebo effect was a wonderful thing. The man coughed, probably just because it was a cool night and grabbed for his throat, letting go of the boy. Tomoya lunged for him, touching his shoulder and injecting him with something that would give him a quick death. 

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