6: Tell Me

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"Sometimes I wonder if we need this many organs." Tomoya joked softly. Natsuo laughed and shook his head. 

"I think the same thing every time I have to label a diagram." He lamented. "Medical welfare has so much anatomy involved, I never expected it. But I guess you have to understand the human body before you can recommend directions for public health.". 

"Is that what you want to do after school?" The older student asked, tilting his head. Natsuo shrugged. 

"I've always kinda wanted to work with schools on their nursing programs and improving them." He explained, "I'm not really sure though. There might not even be a job there.". 

"Of course there is." Tomoya protested. "We could use someone keeping an eye on kids.". Natsuo smiled and nodded. 

"So do you want to go into pediatrics then? What do you have planned for your residence? How long do you have till that anyways?" The younger asked rapid fire questions then sat back in his seat and waited patiently. 

"Oh, I took the fast track so I did 2 years of pre med. I'm already 2 years into my four year med school program, so after that I've got a residence for...I don't know how long." He did know, but it made him easier to talk to if he occasionally pretended to be clueless. "I haven't really figured out what branch I'd like to go into.". 

"You'd be good at anything." Natsuo insisted. Tomoya blushed and hid his face in his bangs. He shifted a little in his seat. 

"You're too nice Todoroki." He mumbled. Natsuo's expression turned bitter for a second before it snapped into a more pleasant expression. A normal person wouldn't have noticed the shift, so Tomoya pretended not to have. 

Natsuo opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by his phone buzzing. He looked at the message and laughed. "Sho, you're a menace." He mumbled. 

"Sho?" Tomoya repeated, too nosy for his own good honestly. 

"Yeah, Shoto. My little brother. He just sent me a clip from his heroics lesson where one of his friends is poking a kid with an electric quirk with a fork to see what happens.". 

Tomoya laughed. Hero students these days were strange. Too strong for their own good but still just kids at the end of the day. He had no problem with them unless they stepped out of line. 

"I was a bit worried about him." Natsuo confessed, "He didn't pass the provisional licensing exam and he was really upset for a while. So was our dad.". He said the word with so much venom that it reminded Tomoya of his and Natsuo's unknowingly shared knowledge of Endeavor's abuse. 

"How many siblings do you have in total? You've mentioned your sister before and now Shoto..." Tomoya trailed off. He knew full well how many, but he had to pretend he didn't. He needed Natsuo to tell him more. 

To tell him about her, maybe. 

"Oh! I've got an older brother, older sister and younger brother. That's Shoto." He explained, "Its refreshing to speak to someone who doesn't already know. I've been approached by way too many Endeavor fanboys.". Natsuo huffed and rolled his eyes. 

"I guess you're not a big fan of Endeavor yourself?" Tomoya asked. Natsuo nodded, then opened his mouth to speak. This time he stopped himself though, physically pulling away from Tomoya. 

"Yeah not really." He muttered. 

And Tomoya wanted to tell him so badly. He wanted to console Natsuo, tell him it would all be okay soon. That he was going to help him, free him, and expose Endeavor for the person he truly is. 

But he couldn't. 

Because right now he wasn't that Tomoya. 

"What about you?" Natsuo asked his senior, "Do you have any siblings?". 

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