5: Do I Know You?

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Dabi didn't want to admit it but Kamino had gone horribly wrong. 

The kidnapping had been fine. His clone's fight with Eraserhead-perfect. Everything had been great. 

But then they hadn't managed to kill All Might. Sure he was in the hospital currently and things were up in the air health wise, but he was going to live. Just retire. 

That wasn't what they wanted. 

And now his 'kill Endeavor' plan had been thrown out the window because All For One was in prison and Shigaraki was adjusting to his new position as leader. 

There was so much that needed to be done. He needed to gather those loyal to All For One, create an Army and do what they could to get their status back. 

Meanwhile he was sure Tomoya was laughing at him as his own plans for killing Endeavor hadn't changed. 

Fuck that pretty bastard and his pretty smirk and his pretty eyes and his fucking pretty everything because life decided Touya would look like a burnt piece of rubber and his type would be guys who look like a Greek god sculpted him to be their lover. 

He sighed, grumbling something about pretty eyelashes into the dirty pillow of the weird ass shady hotel he was staying in. 

The villain toyed with the new burner phone he had gotten. The number Tomoya had was useless now, but Dabi had made sure to copy Tomoya's number down on a piece of paper before he ditched the phone in a gutter somewhere. 

As they say, keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.

(even closer if they were good in bed, of course) 

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"Your results are a bit unique, but I can confirm you'll be fine. Its just a bit of soap, you'll be okay." The doctor said kindly. 

Tomoya smiled under the mask, making sure his eyes showed it. "Really? That's a relief. Thank you for your time Dr. Takeda.". 

"Ah, I'm just doing my job. No need to thank me." The woman said with a smile. "Now you tell those friends of yours to never pull a shampoo stunt like that ever again." She said it in a fake stern tone. 

Tomoya laughed and bowed his head. "Yes ma'am." He replied in an overenthusiastic tone. 

"Takeda?" A voice called out. The door to the room opened and Dr. Takeda spun around. 

"Director!" She said, smiling, "What brings you here?". 

"Ah, I see you're with a patient. I'll come back later." The old man said, apologetically. So this was the director of the Jaku City hospital. 

He seemed kind enough. Most hospital directors were much stricter than he appeared, but this was just him in front of a 'patient' he could be different behind closed doors. 

Or Tomoya was just projecting. Not everyone was two separate people at the same time. 

"Don't worry about me." Tomoya said, "I just got the all-clear to head home. I'll be out of your hair.". He smiled at them. The director seemed relieved. 

As Tomoya passed him through the doorway, he eyed him suspiciously, trying to figure him out. 

Something was just...off about him. 

Not a sight, or something he heard. Tomoya realized abruptly what it was. He smelled like freezer burn. Like freezer burned meat. 

There could be a dozen legitimate reasons for him to smell that specific way. He worked in a hospital, they had freezers, morgues, all sorts of places. 

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