9: What Should I Say?

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"Your burns look much better. I like being able to see more of your face". 

Dabi shifted uncomfortably under Tomoya's gaze. "Yeah, those patches you told me to get really worked." He said awkwardly. He had not been expecting a compliment first thing. If that could be considered a compliment. "I guess you aren't just going to med school as a cover up. How the fuck do you pay for that shit anyways? Do you have a part time job or something? Do you take money from the people you kill? How does that work?". 

"I have a full ride scholarship from a local charity." Tomoya replied simply. "I only pay for my own living expenses.". 

"Ah, so your family pays for everything." Dabi teased. Tomoya didn't respond, just gave him a very disappointed look. "Okay geez, don't stab me to death with those eye daggers. I was just joking.". 

"So what actually happened? I'm not upset about killing Chisaki Kai, but I wont pretend I'm 100% okay with why it happened." Tomoya said. 

Oh he was pissed. Touya could tell. 

"Well, Toga was super emotional after Magne died, completely understandable, and she woke up first. I told her and Magne about you-and don't look at me like that, I'm sure you told someone about me too." Touya said when Tomoya glared at him. 

"Who would I tell?" The killer asked. 

"Touché." Dabi said with a smile, "So she decided to call you on my behalf. That's how you ended up taking down Chisaki Kai. By the way, I read about his death in the news. The officers said you were distraught and accompanied by a child. Is that true?". 

"It is." Tomoya replied, "The kid was Chisaki's hostage. She's safe now, relatively at least.". 

"Sounds like someone doesn't have a lot of confidence in social services." Touya teased. Did anyone actually have confidence in it? Not really. 

Tomoya seemed to still be pissed and in all honesty that bothered Touya. He liked Tomoya's smirk, his possessive expression and hungry eyes when he looked at Dabi the night they met. 

And they were in a private enough spot. A nice abandoned warehouse set to be converted into apartments in a couple months. 

Maybe not private enough to have sex in, but a man could dream, couldn't he? 

Now that everything was cleared up, Tomoya was conflicted. That was it. They could cut each other off, he could kill Endeavor without any interference, that was that. 

But he didn't want that to be that. And he only realized it when a silence settled over the two. Dabi looked eager enough-he truly wore his heart on his sleeve. 

Neither of them wanted to leave here, knowing that they had no reason to see each other again. 

"How the whole killing the old man thing going for you?" Dabi asked. 

"I haven't really had time." Tomoya shrugged. "I've waited long enough to kill him, I don't mind waiting longer.". 

"How long have you been killing people anyways?" Dabi questioned as he started kicking rocks around the warehouse. 

"Well I started when I graduated high school so nearly 5 years." Tomoya said, "And by the way I have a jammer on me so don't you dare try to record this to arrest me.". 

Dabi laughed. "Did it sound too much like an interrogation? I'm just trying to get to know you better baby." The villain drawled. 

Tomoya raised an eyebrow. "Baby? What on earth gives you the idea you can call someone like me baby?". 

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