7: Change In Plans

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When the initial shock and sadness of Magne being disintegrated in front of her eyes wore off, Toga was fucking pissed. How fucking dare Overhaul think he had the right? And why hadn't Shigaraki done something? How could he just stand there? 

The 17 year old stretched, confused when her arm bumped something. She sat up and realized that she had fallen asleep on Dabi's couch. He had at least had the decency to throw a blanket over her and give her a real pillow at some point. The stiffness from sleeping cramped up like that was undeniable though, so she stood up and stretched. 

She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, wincing a bit when she realized how raw they were from all her crying the night before. Yeah, she had basically thrown herself at Dabi, sobbing about how Magne was dead and she hadn't even been able to do anything because she was too scared she was next. 

Navigating the world of villainy wasn't easy as a teenage girl. She could have very easily been killed by Chisaki or one of his minions. 

'I just need more time and more knives. When I can use people's quirks I'll be set' She told herself, making her way to the sink. There was a small note on the tap that said 'don't drink this shit'. She laughed weakly and went to open the fridge. Sure enough there was a jug of filtered water. Dabi's apartment must really be a shithole if the tap water wasn't even safe to drink. 

As she poured herself a glass, she noticed the older villain had left his phone out on the couter, cracked screen, black fireproof case and all. 

If he hadn't left it there, the idea would never have been put in her head. 

She knew the code-snooping was easy when you could shapeshift. 

Toga figured that the contact named 'Nyquil' was what she was looking for. After all, the killer had put Dabi to sleep twice and he had raved about how nice it was. He really needed to get more sleep. 

She didn't even hesitate to click the phone number listed and call the man. 

"Hello? Who is this?" Nyquil didn't sound like she expected him too. She figured a murderer, no matter how suave, would sound harsher. He sounded soft. 

"Is this the murderer Dabi has sex with?" She asked, not cutting corners here, "Because that's who I'm looking for and I'm betting based on the contact name and the lack of info linked to it that this is you.". 

"What's the contact name?" The person on the other side asked. 

"Nyquil." Toga responded honestly. The person seemed to laugh and then their whole tone, whole demeanor really, changed. 

It was like a second person. "Why are you calling? Did you steal his phone or something?".

"Yes, I did. But I'm calling because I need you to kill someone.". 

Silence hung heavy despite them being in very separate locations. 

"I don't know what he told you about me but I don't do that-" 

"I know." She said, far too quickly. "I know.". Taking a deep breath she continued. "Our leader took a bunch of us to meet the Shie Hassaikai for a meeting, they killed Magne, who was-is like and older sister to us. She still is. And our leader is going to make us work with them regardless.". 

"So you want me to kill your leader?" The killer asked, humming. 

"No! No, he doesn't have a say in this either." She couldn't very well just tell some random dude about All For One and how he was way to controlling. "I want you to kill the leader of the Shie Hassaikai?". 

"Isn't he in a coma?" 

"No? Chisaki Kai was there, very much awake." She replied, confused. 

"Ah. So Chisaki took over." The killer thought aloud. "Sorry, but I'm not for hire. Go give Dabi his phone back.". 

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