21: My Name On Your Lips Like A Prayer

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ATTENTION ALL READERS! This chapter contains 18+ content. It may be a bit more mild than some of the stuff on Wattpad, but its still considered a little too descriptive to be just left there without any markings or warnings. Use your own discretion when deciding whether or not to read it. I've tried to make sure all major plot points happen afterwards, so you wont miss too much(●'◡'●). 

Not everyone's comfortable reading anything pertaining to sex, and that's perfectly. I'm barely comfortable writing it (because I know I'll suck at it). But I felt like it was part of the story that couldn't really be continually glossed over.  

So! Right below the dotted line is where it starts, you'll know its over when you see the 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I tried to pick something fun that would stand out so no one would miss it. 


"So this is your place?" Dabi asked, whistling. "Its nice. Very modern.". 

Tomoya closed the door sharply behind him and pulled down the black mask he was wearing. "I didn't drive you here to admire my decorating." He said sharply. Dabi smirked and turned around, facing the slightly younger man. 

The air around them was electric, tense but in the best of ways. Dabi leaned in closer, until their faces were nearly touching. Tomoya's breath hitched. 

"I know baby." He drawled, his voice hushed. "I know exactly why you drove me here.". 

Touya placed his hand just below Tomoya's hip, slowly tracing a line up his partner's body. Tomoya shivered as he reached the base of his neck, squeezing the area ever so slightly. 

"You're crazy if you think this is going that way." The killer practically snarled, glaring daggers at Dabi. The villain just raised an eyebrow in a challenging manner. 

Tomoya could smell the smoke on Dabi, not the type from cigarettes. It wasn't a campfire either, something entirely different. 

"You smell like flowers." The villain announced, clearly they had the same idea there. "And blood.". 

"If you're grossed out by a bit of blood-" "I'm not." Dabi interrupted, his eyes glued to Tomoya's face. "Quite the opposite actually.". 

Tomoya drew in a quick breath looking right at Dabi, who had completely backed him into the wall of the entranceway. The villain's hand lingered on Tomoya's jaw, tilting his face back up when his eyes started to stray downwards.  

"Eyes up here baby." He teased. 

Tomoya glowered at him. "If you want my attention take your hand off my neck." He challenged. 

"Thought you liked it rough." Dabi replied, feigning innocence. "If I can't put my hand on it should I just get you a collar? Should be easier to keep track of you that way.". 

"You bastard." "You love it." 

"You're insatiable.". 

Dabi pushed their faces impossibly closer, licking his lips. "What're you gonna do about it?". 

Tomoya responded by putting their lips together, and biting Dabi's bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. The villain's mouth opened in surprise and immediately they were kissing. Dabi's arms moved to take Tomoya's coat off and when his arms were free again Tomoya did the same.

The villain's heavy coat hit the ground right as the pair parted, gasping for breath. Tomoya licked his lips, he could taste the metallic tang of Dabi's blood in his mouth. 

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