4: It All Falls Down

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"I don't think I heard you correctly. Say that again, sweetie." 

"I want to kill Endeavor." Tomoya said simply. 

The words had hit Touya like a goddamn truck. What a fucking coincidence. 

"Why do you want to kill him? What's the motivation?" He asked, still confused as fuck. 

Tomoya looked at Touya with flat eyes. "I can't tell you that. A killer's got to have their secrets. All I'm telling you is I want him dead.". 

"Well sorry, but you'll have to take a step back on that one." Touya teased, realizing that yeah, he was never getting an answer out of Tomoya. "I want that flaming bastard all to myself. I want to kill him on my own, so you'll have to go back to manipulating the hero charts by picking them off one by one.". 

Okay, first off that was an insult of his skill. Second off, since when did Dabi have a vendetta against Endeavor? 

Tomoya furrowed his brow. "Why do you want Endeavor dead?" He asked. 

"I don't know, a trophy of sorts." Touya said. "I need to see the light in his eyes die out.". 'Because he watched mine do the same' was left unsaid. Touya would not ever be telling Tomoya who he really was. He wasn't telling anyone. Not now, not ever. Until the big reveal, of course. 

"Just a trophy? I thought you said you weren't the type to kill senselessly." Tomoya sounded really annoyed. "Thought you'd have a better reason.". 

"He's not the hero everyone thinks he is. He's a monument to the broken society we live in. That's why I'm in the league, sweetheart. People like that have to go. I just have dibs on Endeavor for personal reasons. One's I cant tell you about." Dabi said, bending his head to rest it in the crook of Tomoya's neck. He kissed the skin there softly. He kept his hand in Tomoya's shirt, lightly grazing his chest. "Now, why don't we forget the old man and pick up where we left off?". 

Tomoya gripped Dabi's hair, pulling his head back forcefully. He smashed their lips together. Dabi felt relieved. So they were still going to do this. Maybe the mild hatred would make this hotted. 

But then Tomoya pulled back after only a few seconds, his face completely void of emotion. 

"Good night, Dabi.". 

And the villain's world went black. 

------------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ ------------ 

'What a fucking night' Tomoya thought as he came out of the shower. He had gotten all dressed up, had a drink and been all prepared to have some good old fun in the bathroom stall of a bar. 

Then he had learned Dabi had some sort of vendetta against Endeavor and wanted to kill him himself. 

It was a rivalry now. Dabi couldn't possibly have a better reason to be the one to kill Endeavor than he did. There was no possible way. 

Killing Todoroki Enji was all Tomoya could do. All he could ever do the help her

Becoming a doctor could never help her. Being a supportive friend couldn't help her. Only his death could. 

His quirk was perfectly suited to it. He wouldn't even have to try. 

So why was Dabi so hellbent on killing Endeavor L.O.V style, on national television? The league was flashy and out there. If they killed him it would be broadcasted around the world. 

Dabi really wasn't the type to do things quietly. He said he wanted to out Endeavor as who he truly was-but it wasn't possible they knew the same things about him. 

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