25: Little Threads

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Despite Tomoya's best efforts, the Jaku City hospital was still going to become ground zero for the paranormal liberation war. 

Once Touya had explained what nomu really were to him, he had been even more convinced he had to go back and kill them all. No one's mind should be trapped in a creature like that. 

Unfortunately, Shigaraki was too on edge from the last attack. Toga hadn't exactly come out and said it was Dabi's murderous boyfriend (and to make it clear, they were not dating), but she had heavily implied it. 

So had the peaceful overdoses that was their determined cause of death. 

There was no stopping the attack now, they were only days out from the end of Japan as they knew it. 

And Tomoya had decided to take his time tying up loose ends. Starting with U.A. 

"Well if it isn't Eri!" The student greeted, a wide smile on his face. The little girl looked up at him with wide sparkly eyes. 

"Tomo!" She said excitedly, rushing up to give him a hug. He had been visiting her consistently, and U.A staff and students had only gotten more trusting of him when they learned he was a close friend of Shoto's brother. The type of person Endeavor invites over for dinner parties. 

"Ah, Hajime its good to see you." Midoriya said, rushing after the little girl into the hallway of the teacher's dorm. Togata Mirio, a third year student and Aizawa followed soon after. 

"Good to see you too Midoriya. I missed you all." Tomoya smiled. The group went back into the dorms, Eri holding Tomoya's hand, pulling him inside eagerly. 

"How's medical school?" Togata asked. 

"Its going well. I've been doing well on the last few tests." The man replied, "I have high hopes for my marks this semester.". 

"Tomo, look at this! I made it for you.". Eri pointed a card sitting on the coffee table. Aizawa smiled fondly at her, ruffling her hair. 

Tomoya picked up the card and read it out loud. Eri's handwriting wasn't neat, but it was legible. 

'To Tomoya, thank you for being super nice to me and always bringing presents when you visit. From, Eri'. 

It was a quick simple letter but there was a drawing of a small person with long white hair holding the hand of a much (really unrealistically) taller person with short bright pink hair. It was so sweet. 

Tomoya beamed at the little kid. "Thank you so much Eri! I love it.". 

"You're welcome!" Eri replied with a shy smile. 

Later Eri was running around on the grass with Midoriya and Togata. Tomoya, who had been on Togata's team for whatever intricate game of catch they had created, finally took a break. He sat down next to Aizawa. 

"So, do you and your husband plan on adopting her?" He asked with a knowing look. 

The teacher's eyes went wide. "Have you been wondering that this entire time?" Aizawa asked, coughing slightly. Tomoya smiled knowingly. 

"For a couple week now honestly. I think you'd make an excellent dad. You've already filled that role, but its important to solidify that. Children need that.". Perhaps his tone had been too insistent, too vehement. Aizawa gave him a strange look. 

"That from personal experience?". 

"You've asked that before." Tomoya realized, "When I told you she shouldn't grow up in such an institutional environment.". 

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