11: Count On Me

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"Come in, I've got snacks!". 

Natsuo smiled tiredly at his friend. His first real friend, that was an important detail. 

For most of his life his existence was dominated by his father. The man barley spoke to him for the duration of his childhood. Natsuo could count on two hands the number of times he was addressed as 'Natsuo' by his father. 

But he never told anyone what was happening at school. Fuyumi was so scared of them being separated that she made Natsuo and Touya to promise never to tell anyone. 

Although she never made Shoto promise her that. He bore the brunt of the physical abuse, so where that was concerned Fuyumi let him do what he wanted.

If he said something it was his right to. 

Apparently it wasn't Natsuo's right to say anything. 

Along with having Endeavor as a father came fake friends. People who just thought they could get closer to their idol through Natsuo. They always wanted to go to his house, just in case his father was there. Of course they were always upset with him when Endeavor blew him off and said to leave the rest of the 'annoying brats' at school. 

They wanted him to pay for everything too, never mind that Endeavor never gave them money. He and Fuyumi had to buy their own ingredients from what they found around the house and what she could get out of their father by begging. 

But Hajime wasn't like that. He was older but didn't lord his age of Natsuo. He didn't belittle Natsuo's degree either, which he had heard a few med students do. 

Most of all though Hajime was a good person. He was just so genuinely sweet and kind that it was impossible not to like him. 

Especially at times like these. Because Hajime was also a very private person but he was allowing Natsuo in his apartment because it was a particularly trying time for him. "Thank you so much for having me." The white haired boy said with a smile. 

"No, thank you for coming. But I meant to ask, are we actually going to watch the ceremony, or are we watching movies to distract us from the ceremony?" The older asked with a small smile. 

"Watching movies." Natsuo replied, hoping he didn't sound too exhausted already. He really didn't want to see his father being cheered on and named Japan's number one hero. 

Tomoya smiled and gestured for Natsuo to take his shoes off. The younger whistled at the sight of his friend's apartment. 

"This place is gorgeous." He complimented, "I love to style. Its so modern.". 

"You live in a pretty traditional house right?" Tomoya recalled. Natsuo nodded. He much preferred Tomoya's modern and light wood covered home. It was like a breath of fresh air, even if the apartment was incredibly small. 

Tomoya gestured to the couch where he had set out cut fruit, popcorn, some of Natsuo's favorite candies and a couple little chocolate thingies. Natsuo couldn't quite identify all of them, but most of them were kitkats. 

"You have quite the sweet tooth huh?" The younger smiled. Hajime rolled his eyes playfully. 

"I'm not hearing any complaints." He retorted. "I have sake in the fridge, figured you'd need it.". Natsuo eyed the older with surprise. 

"Ooh I can't wait to see what kind of drunk you are! This is a rare position to see a senior in.". 

"I don't usually get drunk." Tomoya replied with a small, innocent smile. 

"I'm taking that as a challenge." Natsuo said with a smirk. Tomoya looked his junior up and down. 

"We'll see." He said with obvious mischief. 

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