28: The Catalyst

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TW for discussions of sexual and physical abuse of a high schooler (you already know who it is). 



will tell you where to skip, after that there's another solid line and then straight to the author's note. The author's note should have enough info to fill in anybody that skips the final segment. 


"What the fuck were you thinking?" Touya asked, his voice hoarse with emotions. "Driving when you were in that state-you could have died!". 

Tomoya remained silent and sat up. He moved to the end of the bed and stared back at Touya. He looked lost somehow, like he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. 

"Car accidents are not a joke! I don't want you to get hurt!" The villain continued, "God-baby you need to get help. Serious help.". 

"I don't need serious help." Tomoya sighed, pinching his nose. That was a habit Touya had never seen before, and it only set him off more. 

"Pinching your nose when you're stressed, that's a new one." He snapped, "Is that even yours or is it someone else's? How much of you is even you at this point?". 

Tomoya glared at him. "I'm sorry for the accident. I was just tired." He said simply. 

"Bullshit." Touya shot back. "Tomoya, I'm not trying to be mean. I'm not trying to hurt you, I'm doing this because I care. You need to tell me what's wrong or I'm scared something even worse will happen.". 

"Why are you even bothering?" The student asked, "Nothing in this for you.". 

"Everything's in it for me!" Touya shouted, more out of desperation than anger. "You mean everything to me.".

"You don't even know me.". 

That hurt. It hurt a fucking lot and Dabi wasn't going to sit there and take Tomoya's crap anymore. He was the one who had nearly gotten himself killed, he needed to explain some shit before they dropped this issue. 

And fuck Tomoya for that. Touya did know him, way more than that pink haired idiot would ever admit. 

"That's your fault not mine!" Touya replied harshly. "Who's the secretive bastard with the double life here? Because last time I checked it wasn't me!". 

"Do you honestly think I could have done any of this telling people the truth? There's such thing as a necessary evil." Tomoya snapped. 

"So why do you do it?!" The villain shouted, his mounting frustration finally spilling over, "Or were you planning on never telling me? I have no fucking idea why you're doing all of this, why you put that mask on and kill people or why you're going medical school. Frankly, I think they conflict with each other. But you'd never listen to me if I told you that because you don't care what anybody thinks, especially what I think. Nobody knows why you're doing anything!". 

 "Why does it matter to you?" Tomoya challenged. "Why does any of what I do or think matter to you? Why are you so hellbent on being involved with me?". 

"Because I care about, you fucking asshole!" Touya screamed, bloody tears welling in his eyes. "Because I care about you, and you've got your head too far up your ass to help yourself, and I'm trying to help you but you're not letting me.". 

"Is it that insane to think I actually just care about you?". 

Tomoya's expression went blank, but in the shocked way. He just didn't seem to know how to react, and the hand that had been white knuckling the bedsheets went limp. 

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