18: Hurricane

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"Hey, thanks for coming." Natsuo greeted with a warm smile. "I really need you here tonight. It means a lot.". 

"Thank you for inviting me. And of course I'd come. I get that you need some support and I'm here to offer it!" Tomoya smiled cutely. 

Natsuo found himself giving his friend a fond look. Sweet Tomoya who just wanted to help. The one person in his life who just wanted to help and had no ulterior motives. 

Tomoya on the other hand was ready to kill Endeavor for his friend's family. To be fair, that was helping. And it wasn't an ulterior motive if he wasn't using Natsuo as an excuse. He was there for Natsuo. 

If he killed Endeavor along the way it was just a happy coincidence. 

"Your house is beautiful." The older remarked as he was led through the traditional building. 

"Yeah, it is. My mom designed the gardens." Natsuo explained softly, "She loved the water elements.". 

"She has great taste.". Tomoya wasn't sure when a good time to tell Natsuo he knew Rei was. He didn't really ever want Natsuo to know. It ran the risk of having his...other activities discovered. Rei was an honest person, which was refreshing but also dangerous. 

Eventually they reached the kitchen and Natsuo poked his head in. "Yumi, I wanted to introduce you to my friend. The one I invited over for tonight.". 

The girl, who was finishing plating up dinner, spun around and adjusted her apron and glasses. She looked so similar to Rei it was shocking, even for her kid. But she had a different atmosphere, brighter and much younger. 

"Its great to finally meet you Hajime." Fuyumi said with a bright smile. 

"Natsuo's told me a lot about you." Tomoya said, bowing slightly. 

"Ah, no need to be so formal, I think we're the same age. 23, right?" The oldest Todoroki sibling asked. Tomoya nodded and smiled. 

Suddenly they were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Natsu, can you carry the food to the table? I think Shoto's friends are here.". 

"Ah, I'll help." Tomoya assured her. 

"Oh, no, you're a guest-" She was cut off by the sound of the door opening and voices. "I've gotta go get that!". 

Natsuo laughed as his sister scurried away. "Seriously dude, you don't need to help." He told his friend. Tomoya waved him off. 

"I'd feel worse if I didn't help." He admitted. 

Eventually everyone was seated and Tomoya had to pretend to act shocked when he saw Midoriya and Bakugou. 

"You know each other?" Endeavor, who hadn't even bothered asking who Tomoya was yet, asked. 

"He works at your agency, shouldn't you know him?" Natsuo retorted, raising an eyebrow. "Or do you not think medical staff are important?". 

"Ah, forgive me then..." Endeavor trailed off. 

"Hajime Tomoya. I'm Natsuo's friend from university." He replied, bowing slightly. It made him sick to his stomach, but also made him feel slightly sadistic. The fact his victim knew his name...it definitely gave him some sort of satisfaction.  

"Why don't we all reintroduce ourselves?" Fuyumi asked, desperate to break the awkward atmosphere. 

"Ah, then I'm Midoriya Izuku. Shoto's classmate. Thank you so much for having me over. And I'm glad to see you again, Hajime." The green haired boy said. 

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