30: Slope Down

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Tomoya was having an interesting time coming to terms with the idea that he was no longer going to kill people. 

He had actually committed to Touya's compromise. No more murder, just med school. 

But that identity, the Tomoya that went out and hunted people down like prey...it was comfortable. There was a certain power in that individual, their mannerisms, confidence and psychical strength. He couldn't display any of that as Tomoya the medical student. 

There he was sweet and innocent, too kind and too trusting. He was a teachers pet. Harmless. 

He didn't really want to be harmless, because he wasn't. 

Deep down he knew that he could only hide that part of himself for so long, but revealing it to Touya and Natsuo wasn't revealing it to his entire university. 

"What are you stressing about so much?" Touya asked as he continued to make marks on Tomoya's neck. 

"What happens after this." He replied honestly. Touya hummed. 

"Well enough's changed already.". 

Touya had participated in the Jaku City attack, and they had leveled the city, but he had decided to cut ties with the league after that. Not the people of course, they were his friends, but he wasn't doing the villain thing anymore. At least for the foreseeable. 

The decision had shocked Tomoya honestly. For a while he assumed this was what Touya was meant to do, who he was as a person. 

But he had given it up rather easily. Along with the hair dye keeping his hair black. 

"I'm gonna go to that illusionist guy. He said he could create a piece of jewelry that hides my appearance. Like a barbie movie or something.". 

"You want to look normal?". 

"Not normal, just less like myself. I wanna hide for a bit until this all blows over and my name isn't in the news." Touya explained, "And maybe, just maybe, I wanna be able to take my new boyfriend on dates and visit my mom in the hospital and see my sister and brother. God I miss Yumi and Shoto.". 

"I want a chance to see what I was missing out on. What that fucker took away from me the day he dragged me up to that mountain and tried to kill me.". 

That was an interesting concept. 

What Touya would have been like if Enji hadn't fucked it up. 


What would Tomoya have been like if he hadn't ever existed? What would he be like.

He had to agree with Touya-it was an interesting concept. Maybe he would try that too. 

Touya's hand dragged down from the pillow to Tomoya's waist, squeezing it gently. He continued to mouth at the pink haired man's neck. 

"Come on." He whispered, "This is our last night here. We should-". 

Suddenly there was a loud knocking sound from the other side of the wall. 


Touya started cracking up and full on laughing. Tomoya just felt slightly embarrassed. Evidently the 80s house was not designed for a couples vacation plus younger brother. Poor Natsuo. 

"I guess we'll have time when we get back." Touya sighed overdramatically. Tomoya ruffled his hair a little bit. 

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