Chapter 5- The Guys

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Brandon’s POV

I’ve never felt so good in all my life. The way that her arms wrap around me, the moans she makes, it’s all pure heaven. I don’t get enough of this feeling. Something is always between us, but right here, right now, she’s finally mine. 

I sigh contentedly as I roll over next to her and stroke her hair. She’s so beautiful. She’s always been beautiful. The years have done nothing to age her, only make her more perfect in my eyes. 

She is everything I could ever want. She’s sweet to everyone she meets, and she’s the hardest worker I’ve ever known. She takes care of me selflessly, more than I could ever take care of her. That thought makes me a little sad. I feel like I can never be enough for her. I can never give her what she deserves. 

She sees the sadness in my eyes and just shakes her head at me with a small smile. She knows what’s going through my head. She always does. She’s always had this uncanny ability to read me like a book. She forgives me without hesitation, without me even having to apologize in the first place. She just kisses me, and suddenly my spirits are lifted. 

We stay in bed for a while longer, just listening to the sounds of each other’s breathing. I’m not particularly tired, but I could still stay like this all day with her. Unfortunately, my stomach has other ideas as it growls ravenously. 

“Hungry, honey?” she asks with a little smirk.

“For you…” I whisper in her ear as I tickle her. She squirms and laughs, tugging my arms away as she crawls out of bed. 

“Let me make you some dinner, and then you can have all of me that you want,” she blows a kiss back at me while throwing on a robe. 

I get up, too, not bothering to get dressed and follow her to the kitchen. “What are you going to make, then?” I ask her while leaning against the counter. 

“Hmm…” she thinks as she rummages through the pantry. “Are we wanting quick or fancy?”

“Quick,” I respond. Seeing her in the thin robe makes me think there are other things I’d like to do other than watch her cook for me. 

“Tacos it is, then!” she cheers. God, she’s beautiful as she works. I stay out of her way for the most part, but I can’t help but come up and hug her from behind as she cooks the meat. 

“Smells good…” I say, “but you smell better…”

“Oh, you are such a flirt today! What has gotten into you!?” She smiles lovingly back at me, attempting to swat me with the spoon she’s using.

I shrug a little and just smile back. I love this side of her. The playful side. I run kisses up her neck, and when she gasps, I kiss a little harder, sucking and leaving a mark for me to admire later. 

“Now, why did you have to go and do that?” she pouts, brushing the tender spot with her fingertips.

“Just a reminder of who you belong to,” I tell her, spinning her around to kiss her properly on the lips. 

“Mmm,” she moans into the kiss. “Always and forever, honey. Now go put SOMETHING on, please.”

I do as she asked, throwing some sweatpants on, not bothering with a shirt since I know I won’t stay dressed long anyway. 

Once the food is done, we both go about moving the food to the dining room table and loading up our tacos. This felt almost routine. The food is perfect and we talk about our days, and everything we had going on. I love talking to her. She’s always so animated when she talks about her work friends or her boss’s love-life drama. When it’s my turn to tell her about my day, she always listens so intently, commenting on every little thing I say. It might sound cheesy, but she is my home.  

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