Chapter 24- Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog's Tails

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Jungkook's POV

Waking up with an angel tucked against your chest must be the best way to start the day. I woke her up early so she could get ready for work, and Jin was already awake making breakfast for the guys. When he saw me come out of the bedroom, he slid a tray with two plates of eggs, toast, and fruit toward me with a wink. Guess I'm giving my girl breakfast in bed.

"You're the best, hyung!" I grab a couple cups of coffee and head back to the bedroom. Lila comes out of the bathroom with her makeup done but still in her pj's. Her eyes sparkle a little when she sees me with breakfast set up in bed, and she climbs over toward me to peck my cheek. The effort it takes to not turn my head and meet her lips is astounding, but I can't run the risk of scaring her off, so I behave.

I can live with this. I can live with only soft cheek kisses and holding her hand in secret if I have to. If I'm the one she can depend on and the one who she talks to when she's happy or sad, I can live with the restrictions she puts on me. Every once in a while, I'll get mornings like this, and it'll make up for the rest.

We eat breakfast, and I quickly put her hair in a French braid while she drinks her coffee. It's funny how you can develop a routine in such a short time, but I love it. I love having a routine with her and feeling like I'm part of her life.

The ride to her office is quiet. It's still dark when we leave, and the roads are wet, but I would make this drive every day if it meant I got to spend more time with her. I know she just got her new car and probably wants to drive it, but I wonder if she would let me drive her to and from work each day? I'd get a little bit more time with her that way.

I pull up to the back door of her building and keep myself from getting out to open the door for her. I know she wouldn't want me to do that here. I grab her hand and kiss the back of it, lingering for a second. She squeezes my hand, and I let go, looking up into her eyes.

"Thanks for the ride, JK. Drive safe going home. I'll see you here at 4:40, right?"

"I'll be here, love," I tell her, and she hops out of the car and off to work. I pull out and drive around the parking lot, noticing a man in a suit giving me a funny look as he stands outside of his car smoking a cigarette. I guess it's one of her coworkers. I hope he doesn't give her a hard time because he saw me drop her off this morning.

The ride back to the estate is long and boring. My time with Lila is always so fun and exciting, and it passes by entirely too fast. My time on my own during the day is not nearly as exciting, and it makes me miss my work. Maybe I should go back part-time instead of being on a full sabbatical. For now, though, I have some work to do on patrols.

I pushed our Alpha's talk to the back of my mind yesterday when I was with Lila, but something about it is nagging me today, and I can't quite figure out why.

When I pull in, I immediately shift and warm up my muscles. The run helps clear my mind. As a man, my life is complicated right now. My life is changing, and I feel tension having so many unknowns surrounding me. As a wolf, things are simpler. At this moment, there is nothing but the dirt beneath my paws and the wind blowing past me.

I run over our property, making sure I inspect every corner. I give a friendly howl to Tae as I pass him tending to his farm, and he shoots me a quick smile in return. I make my way toward the north end of the property to scope out the area Namjoon was telling me about yesterday. The rain last night should have washed away the lavender scent he was talking about, so when I come across the same floral scent, I am immediately suspicious.

I take my time to closely inspect the area, following the tracks that were left in the mud, proving my theory that whoever Yoongi detected the other night came once again, most likely in the early morning hours. It had to be after the rain stopped. I think our best course of action will be to install some night cams on our borders, several in this location. If someone is spying on us, we need to know who.

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