Chapter 9- Know You

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The movie was actually fun. He chose a comedy, and we both laughed our way through it. I was expecting him to choose a romance or horror movie so he’d have an excuse to get close, but no, he was a perfect gentleman.

After the movie, he didn’t leave like I had threatened before. He actually stayed and talked to me for a while, well into the evening. We only talked about little things, though, like our favorite colors and favorite foods. Nothing big. It was easy to talk to him, and he never made me feel like I was talking too much about myself. If anything, he acted like he wanted to know more.

Eventually, he did have to go home, though. I wasn’t going to have him stay the night. That just wouldn’t have been right. As he left, he kissed my knuckles lightly. I shouldn’t have let him, but it was harmless enough.

I shower and crawl into bed alone. I hate sleeping alone. It happens every now and then when Brandon goes to a friend’s house or something, but I really do hate it. My nerves like to come out, and every little noise I hear makes me jumpier. Sometimes I worry someone will break in, and sometimes I worry that something will happen to me and no one will be around to know. I know it’s all silly, but it does make it harder to sleep at night.

As I toss and turn in bed, I hear a buzz on my phone. I look over at it, thinking maybe Brandon is coming home or apologizing, but of course, that wasn’t it. It was just Jungkook.

Jungkook: Are you having trouble sleeping like I am?

Me: How did you know that?

Jungkook: Mate bond. ;) What’s keeping you up?

Me: I get a little anxious sleeping alone.

Jungkook: I’d be happy to come back over,
if you’d like, love.

Me: What did I tell you about
keeping it in your pants?

Jungkook: Well, a guy can dream, right?

Jungkook: You’ve mentioned being
anxious several times…

Jungkook: Is this something you
struggle with often?

Me: I mean, I guess.

Me: I have anxiety, but it’s not that big of a deal.

Me: I just kind of deal with it.

Jungkook: Do you go to a doctor for it?

Jungkook: Not trying to be pushy or
anything, just curious.

Me: I mean, I’d love to, but
those kinds of doctors are really expensive.

Jungkook: Your well-being is important.

Jungkook: I can help if you want. You don’t
need to worry about money.

Me: NO. I’m not taking your money.

Me: Don’t worry so much about me. I’m alright.

Jungkook: I can’t help but worry when
I’m not there.

Jungkook: You know, I’m a little surprised
today went so well.

Jungkook: It almost seemed like you maybe
enjoyed my company ;)

Me: Oh, go to bed already, lover-boy.

Jungkook: Oooh, I like it when you talk dirty. ;)

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