Chapter 14- Switch Sides

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Jungkook’s POV

I slept on an old couch with no pillows or blankets, yet it was still the best night of sleep I’ve ever had in my entire life, and it was all because of her. I could place her heartbeat even with the walls separating us, and it calmed me easily.

Given, I would have preferred to have her in my arms, but having her close and knowing she was safe was enough to pacify me for the time being.

Resisting her is getting harder and harder, though.

I see the way her eyes sparkle when she talks to me. I can feel her heart racing when I’m near her, and I can see her pupils dilate any time we touch. I’m not blind to the effect I have on her, and yet she is steadfast in staying true to her husband.

This is my week to show her what I’m made of. With her husband gone, I’ll have her all to myself.

Once at the estate, I wash up and change clothes, packing a bag with spares for the next week. I don’t intend on spending another night away from her if I can avoid it, and she doesn’t seem inclined to kick me out. I think she must feel the same pull to me as I do to her.

“JK! Where have you been, man? Did you even come home last night?” Hoseok asks, looking into my bedroom.

“I was at Lila’s,” I tell him as I continue to pack up my stuff.

“Lila and Jungkook, sitting in a tree,” he sings, dancing around me, “K-I-S-S-I-N-G…”

I punch him playfully on the shoulder and can’t prevent a smile from spreading across my face.

“Seriously though, when are you going to bring her by to introduce us? And what are you doing, moving out?”

“Soon, Hobi hyung. I hope I can bring her sometime this week. That’s why I’m packing a bag. Her husband is out of town for the week.”

“AND SHE’S LETTING YOU STAY WHILE HE’S GONE?!” he shouts, eyes bugging out of his head.

“She fell asleep last night, and I stayed. She didn’t seem to mind, so I thought I’d rather have some stuff with me just in case, so I can stay again if the opportunity arises. And I really hope the opportunity arises…”

“So, is she going to leave him then if you’ve mated?”

“… We haven’t mated, hyung…” I side-eye him.

“Oh. I guess I thought… never mind. I don’t know why you don’t just seduce her and get it over with. Once you’ve mated, she won’t want to be with him anymore, and I’m sure she’ll forgive you after the fact.”

“I won’t force her, hyung. I want her to choose me.”

“Sorry, I know. I know that wouldn’t be right, but at the same time, I hate seeing you like this. It’s almost like you’re lost now.” He pats my back and smiles slightly at me, but I know it’s not his genuine smile.

“I hope it’ll be soon, hyung. I want to make this week perfect. Then maybe she’ll see.”

“We’re all rooting for you. Let us know if there’s anything you need, okay?”

“Thanks, hyung,” I tell him as I walk out of my bedroom with my bag in tow, ready to get back to my girl.

She might not be officially mine yet, but she will be. She wants me, I can tell. I just have to make sure she falls.


Lila’s POV

After Jungkook returned, we spent the whole day doing whatever I wanted to do. He was a complete gentleman, and if I wasn’t already married, I would say it was the best date I had ever been on.

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