Chapter 20- Panic

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I’m exceptionally tired this morning, which is bound to make work more difficult, but I can’t bring myself to regret going out. 

Jungkook makes the coffee extra strong, which I appreciate, but I’m sure I’m going to be feeling last night’s adventures the rest of the day. 

Our morning routine is quiet but comfortably so. If Jungkook really wanted, he could just go back to sleep and hang out here until I get off, but he helps me with my hair and eats breakfast with me like he usually does. 

We hug as we go our separate ways, me to the office and Jungkook back to his pack. I’m sure they’re missing him. While he mentioned that he saw Taehyung yesterday, most of his other brothers are at work during the day. I can’t help but feel like I’m taking time away from his family by spending so much time with him this week, but JK is insistent on getting his time in while he can. 

I keep thinking about the show last night. The songs are stuck in my head, and it’s really got me thinking that I should get back on stage. I should at least go out and see more shows. I haven’t had anyone to go with for many years at this point, but with JK around, I can finally have a friend go with me! Next time I’m buying, though. I might not be able to afford the fancy valet parking, but I can at least get our tickets. 

I’m singing to myself when I suddenly notice all of the lights in my car come on. I hear a weird burbling noise, and suddenly I can’t accelerate anymore. I come to a stop on the side of the road, putting the car in park. 

I take a breath and cut the car off completely, hoping with all hopes that it turns back on, but when I crank the car, absolutely nothing happens. No puttering, no wheezing while trying to start, absolutely nothing. 

I try to rein in my anxiety. I usually do pretty well at keeping myself in check. I make sure not to overdo the caffeine. I give myself “rest days” where I don’t have any chores, errands, or socializing to do. I have breathing techniques I read about online that sometimes help. Unfortunately, they aren’t helping much now. 

I try and ground myself, but it only helps slightly. I feel my face flushing and my hands shaking. This is not the kind of thing I’m good at dealing with. This is the kind of stuff I need help with because I just end up freaking out. 

After several minutes of trying to calm down, I realize it’s time to make a few calls. Firstly, I call my boss. I’m going to be late, at best, today, but it might just be best to call in all together. I don’t know what’s wrong with the car, and I don’t know what it will take to fix it, so I tell her I won’t be in today at all. 

Chasity is very relaxed and understanding. I’m really lucky to have one of the cool bosses.  

Next, I call my insurance company. I have roadside assistance, so they should be able to help me call for a tow truck. I don’t even know where I should be taking it after I tow it, though. They said the tow truck would just take it to the nearest repair shop, and it would be here in about an hour. Great. 

Deep breaths. I’m handling it. I’m okay. It’s going to be fine.

As I’m putting my insurance card back in my wallet, I notice a slot that is normally filled is empty. Where is my debit card?! 

No, no, no, no, no….

I look through every slot of my wallet. I take everything out of my purse and check every pocket. It’s nowhere to be found. I have to pay for the tow truck. I might have roadside assistance, but they just reimburse you. I still have to pay out of pocket. 

I take another few minutes to prevent myself from having a full-blown panic attack, and then I try and problem-solve. 

Maybe I can get Brandon to give me his card number over the phone, and the tow truck service can key the number in instead of swiping it…

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