Chapter 29- Safety

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I awake to the sound of loud voices and notice I’m being carried. I snuggle my face more into JK’s chest, breathing in his scent for comfort.

“All I’m saying is that if they weren’t nuts, they wouldn’t say that on the package!” Taehyung shouts heatedly.

“They’re CORN nuts, Tae. They’re CORN that looks like nuts, not ACTUAL nuts!” Jimin responds with just as much passion.

The voices get louder as we approach. “Then why would they call them CORN NUTS?!?!” Tae rebuts.

“I don’t know how many times I have to say this. It’s because--- WHAT THE HELL?!” Jimin stops short and runs over to JK and me, forcing me to finally open my eyes.

“Is she okay? What happened?” Taehyung says, following Jimin.

I look up at Jungkook, not really wanting to explain anything right now, and thankfully he seems to catch on.

He walks me into his room and sits me down on his bed. “Can you go pick up her car? She couldn’t drive it.” Both guys nod with big, concerned eyes, and JK tosses them my keys. “Thanks. I’ll text you the address now. You should be able to find it in the first lot.”

With both guys gone, he shuts the bedroom door and kneels down on the floor in front of the bed. He carefully pushes his way between my legs and wraps his arms around my waist, burying his face into my stomach. The tenderness makes me want to cry again, but I feel like I don’t even have the energy for that.

After a few minutes of soaking in that comfort, JK pulls away. “Have you eaten?”

I shake my head at him. I’m not particularly hungry despite how little I’ve eaten today, but I know I need to get something in me.

“Go take a shower. I’ll see if Jin hyung is cooking anything, and when you get out, we’ll take care of your cuts. Okay?” he asks, rubbing his thumb across my cheek softly.

“Okay,” I croak out, my voice sounding raspy and strained. I grab some fresh pajamas and walk into his bathroom, peeling my clothes off. The water from the shower soothes and burns all at once. My hands and knees scream anytime soap or water runs over them, but my hips and back feel so good under the warm pressure of the shower.

I take my time washing, enjoying the smell of JK’s soap and shampoo. I might smell like a man after this, but it’ll be comforting for me, at least. I get out and dry off, putting on pajama shorts so we can fix up my knees, as well as a comfy old t-shirt. When I come back into the bedroom, JK has set up a tray with some sandwiches to eat. He opens his first aid kit and gestures for me to sit in front of him in the window seat.

He starts with my knees, wiping them down with disinfectant, which hurts like hell. He blows on it when I wince and grins a little when I blush. He sprays the cuts with a numbing spray and puts on some antibiotic ointment before putting gauze on each knee. He wraps a bandage around it to keep it in place and then moves on to my hands. The splinter is still in there, so he takes some tweezers and carefully picks it out. He repeats a similar treatment process on my hands, making sure everything is clean and protected, before placing a soft kiss on the top of each bandage.

He brings the tray of food over to the window and sits with me, encouraging me to eat with him. I force down the sandwich and juice, knowing I would feel even worse tomorrow if I didn’t eat. We don’t talk much. Well, I don’t talk at all... JK occasionally will whisper some encouragement, but we don’t have an actual conversation. I know we need to. There’s so much we need to talk about, but I don’t have the energy for it.

When I’m done eating, He picks me up and puts me under his covers, lying down next to me.

“Sleep,” he says, and before he has even finished humming the first verse of a song, I’m out like a light.

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