Chapter 27- Breakdown

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“Jungkook?” Am I drunk enough to hallucinate?

“Angel, what’s wrong?!” he asks as he runs up to me entirely too fast for my equilibrium. He removes the bottle that’s gripped between my hands and kneels down next to the dining room chair I’m sitting in.

He passes his hands lightly over my body, a look of utter panic on his face.

“What’s a’ matter?” I ask, confused, slurring slightly.

“I could feel your emotions all the way from home. I’ve never been so scared in my whole life! Where are you hurt? Where’s your phone?”

“Phone, phone...... I don’t know where, I don’t...” I pat my pockets and glance around distractedly. I put it somewhere, right?

“Lila, I need you to focus. What’s going on?” he holds my head firmly between his hands as he speaks, eyes wild with worry.

I pout at him, which isn’t hard, considering he’s squeezing my cheeks together slightly. “Not Lila. Angel.”

A small smile breaks his serious expression, but I can tell he’s becoming a little exasperated. I poke the freckle under his lip. That’ll cheer him up. Well, it’ll at least cheer ME up.

After closing his eyes and sighing, he looks at me again, firmly. “Angel, tell me why I felt you the next town over.”

My chin quivers, remembering my pain and my anger. The fresh tears sober me up ever so slightly, and instead of answering him, I point to the scrap of lacy fabric lying on the floor by the front door.

He approaches it and moves it slightly with the toe of his shoe, a disgusted look on his face. He looks back over at me cautiously. JK is not a dumb man. I’m sure the pain he felt from me, the panties on the floor, and the obvious lack of a husband in my apartment is enough for him to come to the correct conclusion.

He approaches me slowly like I’m a deer about to flee. The joke’s on him. I couldn’t walk in a straight line if I tried, let alone run. That being said, I’m still upright... where did JK put my bottle?

I stand up, surprised I don’t stumble, and cross my arms over my chest. “Yep, a year and a half,” I tell him bitterly. I never really thought I’d wind up one of those bitter old ladies, but I can totally see how they get there now. They deal with men like Bran long enough, and POOF! They lost all their fucks.

“... and you found those? That’s how you found out?”

“Yep, as I was doing his laundry. What a treat.” I pace back and forth, agitation growing again. Funny how my emotions jump all over the place tonight. I go from devastated and used, to numb, to pissed beyond reason...

“You know what really sucks, though?” I look over at him. “I spent my whole adulthood with that man. I’m 28, so most of my twenties. I have no children, nothing to really show for myself, and I spent all that time waiting on him hand and foot. After all that, I’m no longer good enough.”

“You’ve got it backward. You’re TOO good for someone like him.” His eyes are sympathetic, but I don’t want sympathy. I want my twenties back, all those years wasted on this scum of a human.

I end my pacing and walk into the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine. Liquor before beer, you’re in the clear, right? That’s true for wine, too, I think...

I don’t bother with a glass again, but it doesn’t matter because when I get back out to JK, he immediately takes the wine away.

“Hey!” I complain. I’m too damn old to have someone taking my drinks away in my own home, but he’s also much taller and faster and stronger than me, so I don’t really know what I’m going to do about it.

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