Chapter 7- The Fight

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A week later…

The past week has been absolute hell.

The auditors were insane all week, keeping me at work later than usual, and overwhelming me with requests. I’m glad they’re finally gone, but I feel like I haven’t had a break since Monday.

I haven’t gotten to talk to mom all week because of my longer days. She’s always been asleep by the time I got off work, and I’ve worked through lunch most days, too, so I couldn’t even call her then.

Brandon has been particularly grumpy all week. It’s like he feels the need to point out all my flaws or mistakes. I know it’s because he isn’t sleeping well, but neither have I, and I’m not acting that way with him.

Then to top it off, here I am on a Saturday morning, lugging all the trash out to the apartment complex’s dumpster. I usually take care of all the chores at the house, but this was one that Brandon usually did. He doesn’t want to do it anymore, it seems, because he doesn’t want to dirty his precious new car. I get that it’s nice and all, and mine is junk comparatively, but I hate having to do everything around here.

My house is spotless, and my chores are done, all except for a grocery run. Luckily there’s a grocery store right across the street, so this shouldn’t take too long, but I still dread the task. I’m really more in the mood to be lazy today, but if we want to eat, I guess I better go buy some food.

I head across the street to the store, grocery list at the ready, to get this over with. Hopefully, it won’t be terribly expensive this time.

I’m in the dairy aisle when I hear my name being called from behind me. I turn and see the man I’ve been trying not to think about for the past week. I’ve been busy enough that I was mostly successful, but he was still in the back of my mind most days. He shouldn’t have been. If I was a good wife, he wouldn’t have been, but he was.

He’s wearing a loose white button-up, jeans, and Timberland boots. My initial thought is, how on earth can someone make something so simple look so good? My next thought is, how on earth did he find me?

“Jungkook,” I start hesitantly. “Why are you here?”

He sheepishly smiles down at me and scratches the back of his neck. “I’ve kinda been looking for you, I guess?” he states, making it sound more like a question than an answer.

“Are you stalking me now?” I whisper yell, trying not to cause a scene, but I want him to know that this isn’t okay. “I’m pretty sure that’s a felony.” I fold my arms over my chest, staring him down.

“No!” he chuckles a bit nervously, “well, technically, I guess a little bit. You told me you live here, and I’ve been sort of walking around hoping to catch your scent. I needed to see you.”

I close my eyes and sigh. This is too much for me right now. Everything lately has just been too much. It’s not like I can call the police and tell them a werewolf is stalking me, trying to mate with me. They’d hospitalize me for that.

“Jungkook, this is wrong. You know it. What on earth did you need to see me for?”

“I just… I couldn’t leave off where we did. I know it was a bit much for you right on the spot like that, and it wasn’t fair to you, but I can’t give up hope now. I want us to at least be friends. I won’t make a move on you if you don’t want me to, we can just be friends, but it hurts when you’re not around,” he tells me.

“What do you mean it hurts you? Look, you’re an attractive guy. You probably haven’t had many girls turn you down before, but I promise it isn’t that bad with time. I’m not trying to hurt your feelings, but you have to understand why I’m doing this.”

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