Chapter 6- An Average Day

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Lila’s POV

I slip into the dark apartment that my husband and I share, hoping Brandon isn’t home yet, so I don’t have to explain my red and puffy face. It’s unfair how some women can cry and, 5 minutes later, look like nothing happened, and I remain a red, puffy, blotchy mess for hours after. The world is so cruel.

Luckily for me, he still hasn’t come back from his friend’s house, so I have some time to shower and calm down before I have to see him again. I love my husband, but this day was just too much for me.

I’ve discovered that the supernatural world really does exist in ways I couldn’t even imagine. What’s next? Vampires? Fairies? Mermaids? I’m not sure what’s real and what’s not anymore.

I regret running from Jungkook like I did, but truth be told, I was scared to be alone with him any longer than I already was. He’s an insanely attractive man who confessed complete devotion to me. Being a bit attention-starved as it is, the temptation was greater than it really should have been.

In my marriage, I’ve always done everything to keep my vows sacred. I refuse to put myself in temptation’s path, and by doing that, I never had to worry about being in any compromising situations. I also never spoke poorly of my husband to anyone. I’ve never told a soul how he acts sometimes or vented about the fights we get into. This goes for my coworkers, my friends, and my family.

I always figured if I ever spoke poorly about him, they would stop liking him, and it would affect our marriage negatively. I have enough respect for him to keep those kinds of things to myself. In the end, though, that only leads to everyone thinking Brandon is a complete angel and me feeling completely alone with my thoughts.

So right now, after everything that’s happened today, I have no one to call. I have no one who would understand why I feel so torn and neglected. It’s just me, like always.

I take an extremely long shower, using up all the hot water to try and wash this day away, hoping I’ll feel better, if only a small amount. I find my comfiest pajamas and fuzziest socks and settle into bed to read a book for a while. This is what I always do to try and soothe myself. Steaming showers, comfy pj’s, and a good book always make me feel some level of comfort. Today though, I find myself reading the same paragraph over and over again, not really comprehending anything it says.

I put the book aside and sigh deeply. I doubt I could really sleep right now, either. I keep thinking about him. Then, after thinking about him, I feel immense guilt over it. I can’t control my thoughts, and that needs to stop. My husband deserves better than a woman who can’t stop thinking about another man.

As if summoning him with my thoughts, I hear the front door open and lightly shut. Brandon comes around the corner, and I smile at him, hoping he can’t tell that I’ve been crying today.

“Hey sweets, you’re back late. I thought the guys were coming over for cards tonight?”

“Yeah, well, Jack ended up picking me up since you had my car, and we just hung out there instead.” He started undressing and immediately went to the shower. This isn’t unusual for him after hanging out with Jack and the guys, they all smoke over at that house, and Bran hates smelling like that.

I know he works tomorrow, and he probably won’t be up much later, so I get up from bed and start getting stuff ready for the morning. I’m off tomorrow, but I go ahead and prepare him a lunch to take the next day and get the coffee prepped in the pot, so all I have to do is turn it on when we wake up.

When I’m done with my nightly routine, I snuggle back in bed, waiting for my husband. I hope he lays down with me for a little while before he sleeps. Maybe we can watch something on Netflix and cuddle like we used to.

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