Chapter 34- Reunited

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Lila’s POV

Just as there is no light without the context of darkness, there is no life without the context of death.

I sit silently against the tree I’m tied to and wonder if I will ever get any more life.

I haven’t really been living for long. When I was little, I had to grow up and start taking on responsibilities early. Childhood gets kind of muddled when you are partially raising yourself. Was I really living then?

I lived, I think, in college. I performed, found passion, and experienced love. I lived a little then.

The last several years, though? I spent my life in a job I had no passion for, in a relationship with someone who constantly diminished my spirit, and in the mindset that there was no escape. Was THAT living?

I don’t think it was. I think I mostly started living again when JK found me. All of a sudden, I could feel again more than just sadness or pain or disappointment. JK brought in happiness, and pleasure, and excitement. For the past few weeks, I’ve been truly living in a way I hadn’t in a long time. Unfortunately, the clarity of that didn’t hit me until now... now at this moment when I’m faced with my own potential death.

I look around again. I don’t know who took me or what he wants. I don’t know how long I was unconscious, and I only came to a few moments ago, but I know this is bad. You won’t find yourself tied to a tree in the middle of a dark forest in good scenarios.

“Angel?” I hear JK’s voice with a jump, looking around for him. The pacing man doesn’t approach me or make any indication that he heard. The mind link! I’ve never been more appreciative of Jungkook’s wolfy ways...

“JK, he has me tied to a tree. I have no idea where I am. Please, please, come find me.”

“I’m close, love. Don’t be afraid. You’ll be home and in my arms again soon, I promise.”

I roll my head back down and pretend to be passed out still. I don’t think the pacing man has noticed me, so I assume it would be better if he didn’t know I was awake yet. Something about the guy seems vaguely familiar. I don’t think I’ve met him before, though. This is almost like deja vu, but not quite.

“Can you talk to me, please?” I ask him, finding it fascinating that my voice shakes a little, even in my head. Funny how that works.

“I’m right here, angel. I can see you. We’re just far off enough so that he can’t catch our scents. Do you know if he has a weapon?” he asks, but I can’t really see him. I peek over to the side, but he stays just out of my line of sight, sort of off to the side and behind the tree that I’m tied to.

“I can’t see him. I don’t know.”

“That’s okay. Give us just a few minutes, love. We’re setting things up now. Don’t be scared when we come out, okay? I’m sure he will try to hurt you, but I won’t let him. I promise.”

“Why is this happening, JK?” I ask. One minute I was at work, and that’s the last thing I remember before I woke up here. It’s dark now. Has it been hours? Days?

“I’ll tell you on the ride home, okay? You’ll be just fine. Look up, angel. We’re coming.”

I raise my head up and see movement in the distance, but it’s too far out to really see anything. I guess that’s not the case when you’re a wolf because I hear a low growl behind me, my abductor acknowledging my mate’s presence. I guess that clears up one thing, though. This is a wolf thing, not a regular kidnapping. I don’t know if that makes me more or less afraid.

An arm wraps around my shoulder, and a blade goes to my throat as two bodies approach. I’m guessing the other guys are out there somewhere, but as they get closer, the only people I see are JK and Namjoon. Both men look absolutely vicious, a stark contrast to the guys I know and the soft voice in my head repeatedly telling me he loves me and that I’ll be safe soon.

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