Chapter 31- Mine

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“I... I guess I thought you were joking about the biting part?” I say, a little in shock at everything he’s told me.

Mating. The final step.

It’s akin to marriage to the wolf, only more permanently binding. Am I ready for that? I haven’t even officially divorced yet!

I know JK, though, and I know I want him. I know he’s mine, and I am his. As far as the sex goes, I’m more than ready for that. The biting part is kind of kinky, so I’m not totally against it, but it’s not normal human biting, you know? It’ll actually pierce the skin.

Once he does that, it’ll be official. The mating process will be complete, and I should be able to feel all the things JK has been feeling the whole time, all the things I would feel if I were a wolf. We will also be more intimately connected. We’ll both be able to read each other’s feelings and be able to communicate through a mind link.

It’s a lot to take in. I’ve barely gotten used to the fact that JK is a part of the supernatural, but once we’re fully mated, I basically will be, too.

JK lets me process it all, sitting back and anticipating my answer. He’ll wait for me if I’m not ready. I know that. I think the part that makes me the most nervous is the fact that I AM ready. There is a part of me deep down that is champing at the bit, desperately wanting to wear this permanent mark that binds us together. I want to feel all the things he’s feeling. I want that mystical connection that I’ve already had glimpses of.

Does this make me crazy? It certainly isn’t something a normal person would so quickly agree to, especially with someone they’ve known for such a short time. This isn’t a normal situation, though, is it? We aren’t normal people, we’re mates, and I’m ready to embrace this. I’m ready to be his.

I grab his hand in mine, needing the connection and comfort it brings, and look him in the eye. “I’m ready.”

His eyes practically bulge out of his head. Sitting up further, he searches my eyes, looking for any hesitation, but I know he won’t find any. If JK were to tell me to jump, I would trust him completely to catch me. I’ve never had that kind of faith in anyone, not until him. I’m more than ready to cement that, to make sure he is fully and completely mine.

“You’re sure?” he asks, jaw flexing in his restraint. I smile at his considerate nature, ever the gentleman.

“I’m completely sure. Make me yours, JK.”

His eyes flash again, and faster than lightning, he has me pinned underneath him.

His stare is heavy as his eyes wander my body, tracing every curve with his gaze. I run my hands under his shirt and up the span of his back, ignoring the sting from my palms, simply enjoying the feel of his muscles moving beneath my touch. Suddenly his mouth is on mine again, and my mind empties of anything but this man, his mouth, and his body.

His hands roam in ways we haven’t allowed ourselves before, and I can’t get enough. I want him to touch me everywhere. I want to know what his smooth hands feel like over every inch of my skin. We’re forced to break our kiss when I pull his shirt over his head, and he pulls mine off as well, both frenzied to get closer to each other. His lips meet my chest the second he unclasps my bra, and I arch into him, his tongue smooth and flat on one nipple as he palms my other breast, looking up at me with lust in his eyes.

My hand claws at his tattooed arm as I push my hips into him more, a subconscious demand for his touch. He grinds himself into me, and I’ve never felt so wet from so little before. I crave more of him, needing skin-on-skin. I reach between us to unbutton his pants, feeling him groan as I purposefully slow my movements as I unzip him, letting my thumb graze down his length. While I don’t have experience with many men, I can tell his size is impressive, both thicker and longer than any I’ve seen in person or otherwise. I want it desperately... inside me, in my hand, in my mouth...

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