Chapter 22- Meet the Pack

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I wake feeling more rested than I had in a long time. Despite having to wake up with an alarm to get ready for work, I was bright and cheery. I'm not really a morning person, so it's a welcome change. JK and I do our morning routine, eat a quick breakfast, and go our separate ways. I'm sure he'll be waiting by my front door when I get home this afternoon.

The ride to work is unreal. So, this is what your average, everyday person feels when they drive... no stress, no worries, no real feelings at all. It's so awesome!

I run into Em as I walk into the office, a bigger smile on my face than she's probably seen in a long time.

"Little bird! Did you get a new car?" She looks as excited as I feel.

"Yes! Just got it yesterday! That's why I wasn't here. The old one finally gave out on me."

"Well, I'm glad Brandon finally made you get a new one. I didn't like you driving around in that before." I hope she doesn't notice my flinch. "Oh! You'll never believe the latest book I've been reading. In this one, a zombie apocalypse just started--"

"Another zombie book, huh?" I tease her. We both love reading. In fact, it's one thing we bonded over when we first started working together. She loves all things supernatural. Zombies are her current obsession, but vampires, werewolves, fae... they're all right up her alley. She'd probably get a kick out of my life right now if I felt like she'd actually believe me.

"Yep! And in this one, a mother is looking for her son who was off at college..." She tells me all about the new book, and honestly, it does sound kind of funny.

We talk for a few minutes more at her desk before I have to go upstairs to clock in. As I'm getting my things together to start my workday, I notice a notification on my phone. I know better than to think it's from Bran, so I smile and open up the message.

Jungkook: "In all the world,
there is no heart for me like
yours. In all the world, there
is no love for you like mine."
- Maya Angelou

He really doesn't get tired of trying.

"And what has you smiling like the Cheshire Cat this morning?" Chasity asks as she unlocks her office. "Must be that 'soulmate' of yours, huh?"

"Yeah," I brush her off. I'm not exactly lying to her, but I'm also not letting her know the full truth either. I just wish I had someone to talk to about all of this, someone to help me wrap my mind around everything that's going on. Don't get me wrong, JK is more than willing to answer any logistical questions I have, and I've had plenty randomly come up over the last couple of weeks, but it would be nice to have someone else to talk to that isn't actively trying to convince me to run away with him.

The day is only slightly hectic. It's not as bad as a few weeks ago when the audit was going on, but I do have some backed-up work to get done since I had to call in yesterday. I eat a salad at my desk for lunch to try and make some headway, but I still can't finish everything that I missed. Hopefully, by the end of the week, I'll be caught up.

As suspected, JK is waiting by my apartment door after work, and I have to admit, I'll miss seeing a smiling face when I get home every day.

"How was your first day in the new car, love?" he asks as we shuffle our way inside.

"Perfect. I seriously can't thank you enough, JK."

He winks at me like the flirt he is and pulls me down to sit with him, having already made himself right at home. "Can I convince you to do something tonight?"

"What did you have in mind?" I ask, but I eye him suspiciously. He looks sheepish, and I don't know why.

"Well, the guys have been bugging me about meeting you, and I kind of wanted to show you around the estate. Think you'd want to come back to my place tonight?"

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