Chapter 8- The Inevitable

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Lila’s POV

I didn’t cry when Bran left. I just felt too numb. Sometimes, I really wish I had someone to talk to about all this. I feel like my husband slowly disconnected me from most of my friends, so they don’t even really want to hear from me. All my work friends and family think he’s an angel.

So here I sit, alone in my apartment, trying to think of anything to turn this day around. I’m trying to look on the bright side. It’s just past lunchtime, and I have the rest of the day today and a good portion of tomorrow to do whatever I want. I can watch whatever movies I want. I can stay up as late as I want. I can eat whatever I want for meals and use up all the hot water taking a shower… These are all good things. I’ll just enjoy my alone time. It’ll be fine.

I hear a knock at the front door, and I groan a little bit at it. No one comes to visit me randomly, so most likely, it’s a maintenance worker for the apartment complex or something. I hoist myself off the couch and open the front door.

I shouldn’t even be surprised at this point. It’s Jungkook. He’s not giving up. I can sense that already, and now he knows where I live. Great. Might as well let him come inside. Brandon’s not here, so maybe I can make some sort of agreement with Jungkook so he doesn’t show up at the wrong time and ruin my marriage. As if it’s going so well as it is…

I open the door wider and move to the side, gesturing for him to come in. His eyebrows lift, and he chuckles slightly, shaking his head. I guess he was expecting me to put up a fuss, but honestly, I have no more energy to fight today.

“What, don’t tell me you’re actually happy to see me, love?” he runs his hands through his hair as I lock the door back up.

“Well, since you’ve managed to find out where I live, I think I’d rather have some sort of control about when you come over. I don’t want you randomly showing up when Brandon’s here, so that means you finally get what you want, I guess.”

“And what is it you think I want?” he questions. He bites his lower lip in a seductive way, but I can’t show any reaction to it. It would go to his head.

“My phone number,” I state dryly.

“Hmm… among other things…” he trails off while staring at me. “That’s a start, though.”

He takes his phone out before I get a chance to change my mind and hands it to me to put my number in. He already wrote in the name as “My Love <3” so I changed that to actually read my name instead. After I give him his phone back, I sit back down with a sigh, running my hands over my face. I’m in deep water now. Too deep.

If he hadn’t followed me home, which is, I’m sure, how he knows where I live, I could have avoided him somewhat. But what am I supposed to do now? Tell my husband I have a werewolf stalker that won’t leave me alone because he’s in love with me? That’ll go over well. God forbid they ever come face to face. Jungkook is so big he could probably squish Bran with his pinky. Better to just ensure they stay separate and deal with this myself.

“So, you’re not angry that I’m here? That I followed you?” he looks down at me, the ghost of shock behind his eyes. He’s probably wondering why I haven’t kicked him out yet after giving him my number. If I was smart, I probably would.

“Nah, I guess it was inevitable, wasn’t it? With that nose of yours.”

He bites back a smile, still standing by the door awkwardly.

“Well, come on, sit down, Jungkook. Unless you have somewhere to be,” I offer.

He joins me on the couch a bit closer than I’d like but not on top of me, so I let it slide. “You’re being awfully accommodating, now. Is it because you and your husband fought?”

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