Chapter 21- The Prophecy

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When we get home, JK is gracious enough to hop in my passenger seat and let me enjoy my new car. I preset all my favorite radio stations, figure out the touchscreen features, and JK shows me how to use the heated seats.

We're both exhausted from the long day. I know that if I sit down, I won't want to get back up, so the first thing I do when we get up to the apartment is change out of my work clothes.

I am determined that the rest of the evening will be spent with comfort in mind. I know that's the only way to really ease up on my anxiety, so a hoodie and leggings are the way to go. I wipe off all the makeup I have on and drag myself to the kitchen to warm something up for dinner.

It's a total win that among Jin's meals is a big batch of his homemade spaghetti sauce. All I have to do is boil some noodles, heat up the sauce, and I'll have one of my favorite dinners with next to no effort.

Jin is already one of my favorite people, and I haven't even met him.

I'm usually really picky about spaghetti. Restaurant spaghetti is nowhere near as good as homemade, but I sneak a taste, and Jin's sauce rivals my own.

Once I get the water on the stove to boil, I go back to the living room and see JK sprawled across the couch, taking up every inch of space. I walk around to the recliner, but Jungkook is having none of it, voicing a loud "nuh-uh!" while making grabby hands at me.

I playfully sit on his legs instead of falling in his arms, causing him to tug me over to him instead.

"I guess you did buy me a car, the least I can do is give you cuddles."

He scrunches his nose at me with a cheeky smile. "Yes, I demand cuddles as payment. It will take many years to pay off."

I swat his chest lightly and lean into him more. He really is my safe place. Laying like this is enough to make the stress from this crazy day much more bearable.

"Thank you again, Jungkook, for everything today. It was more than I deserve, and I really don't know how I would have dealt with it all without you."

"You'll never have to deal with anything without me. I'll always be here."

"Cheesy," I tell him, but I still smile. I like him being cheesy.

It doesn't take long for the water to come to a boil, so I manage to pry myself out of JK's arms and get the rest of dinner together. Normally, I would make a salad or something to go with the pasta, but today I just don't have the energy to do the extra work, so I don't bother. Maybe I'll make a salad for lunch tomorrow to make myself feel better.

After everything is ready, I bring the bowls of spaghetti into the living room, thinking this is definitely the kind of night to watch a movie while we eat. I make a second trip to get us both a bottle of water, and we settle down at the coffee table to enjoy our carbs and a flick.

"What sounds good to watch tonight, angel?" he asks as he hands me the remote.

"Ooooh, how about The Princess Bride?"

"Is that a Disney movie?" he asks, and I freeze when I realize he is completely serious.

"You've never seen The Princess Bride?!"

"No, should I have?"

"Look, JK, I know I'm older than you, and technically this movie came out before either of us was born, but this is a CLASSIC. This has to be rectified immediately!"

"Ok, The Princess Bride it is then," he laughs a bit at my dramatics. This is one of my favorite movies, a cult classic.

"You won't regret it. Plus, if we're friends, it'll make you much less confused when I start quoting this randomly in everyday conversation."

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