Chapter 16- In Wine there is Truth

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We walk back to Jungkook’s car arm in arm again. He looks utterly amused at my tipsy state. Three glasses of sangria aren’t enough to make me sloppy and falling all over myself, but it’s definitely enough to make me a bit more cuddly than usual. 

He opens the car door for me, as always, and we make our way back to my apartment. The drive is long, but I hardly notice. All I really care about is the way Jungkook’s thumb is caressing the back of my hand and the way he glances over at me every now and then. The alcohol is making me moderately sleepy, but I refuse to close my eyes. I’m not ready for this day to be over yet. 

We get home, and I want nothing more than a hot shower, another glass of wine, and to snuggle up with JK while we watch a movie. JK insists I get to shower first so I don’t have to run out of hot water. Always the gentleman. I manage the entirety of my skincare routine while I wait for Jungkook to finish his shower. Maybe my face will hate me less for all of the wine I’ve been drinking tonight. It won’t stop me from having a little more, though. Now that I’m home and showered, I’m starting to sober up, and honestly, I’d rather be a little drunk right now. It gives me an excuse for how cuddly I’m being when in all actuality, I just really want to be in his arms. So, I pop another bottle of wine and put another in the fridge to chill, just in case JK decides to have some with me.

I cuddle up on the couch and pull Netflix up on the TV, so we can pick something to watch. As I scroll, I hear JK come out of the bathroom, and I turn to see him strolling out, towel drying his hair, with only a pair of sweatpants on…. A sight for sore eyes. I’m sure I’m blushing from head to toe, and I can’t seem to formulate words. I stare as he walks up, reaching toward a bag near the couch that I hadn’t noticed until now. Muscles rippled in ways I didn’t even know possible as he bent over, and I was sure he was aware of the effect he had on me.

“Sorry, forgot my shirt,” he says, slowly putting it on as I watch with rapt attention. I shake my thoughts away, knowing damn well they were not holy, and keep looking for tonight’s entertainment. 

“Wine?” I offer, motioning toward the bottle with the remote. I’m honestly surprised I even managed to get a word out without squeaking. 

“Hm… maybe just a glass,” he mumbles as he helps himself. 

I settle on The Haunting of Bly Manor. I watched The Haunting of Hill House and liked it, even though scary movies and shows aren’t really my thing, and I think JK would probably like this one. It’ll keep us occupied for a while tonight if we feel like staying up. 

After an episode and my second glass of wine since being home, I’m much more relaxed and find myself half in JK’s lap. My legs are bent over his, and I’m happily nuzzled under his arm with my head leaning against his shoulder. 

His hands are running casually over my body, sending shivers down my spine, but I make no move to stop him. The arm that’s wrapped around me is lightly running up and down the skin of my arm, tracing patterns every once in a while. His other hand is rubbing my feet and legs in a massage that feels too good to discourage. I keep my own hands squarely in my lap, though I’m not sure why I bother. The position clearly looks compromising whether my hands are on him or not, but I try and set some boundaries for myself, even in my tipsy state. 

The show is more creepy than anything else, not full of jump scares like most horror movies have, so I’m enjoying it. I’m a sensitive sleeper, though, so nightmares are still a very real possibility. One time, a couple of years ago, I had to kill a spider in the bathroom right before bed and had a nightmare of spiders attacking me when I went to sleep. If something as simple as that can affect my dreams, surely this show can, but I hope I can avoid that this time. 

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