Chapter 17- Small Town Charm

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Lila’s POV

Yesterday was… There aren’t really words for how yesterday was. I shouldn’t be so astounded by a simple day out, but I haven’t gotten to experience something like that in a while.

I usually spend my weekends doing laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning the house, and running any other errands that need getting done. Every once in a blue moon, I can convince Bran to go out with me or take me on a date, but usually, that just consists of us going out for lunch somewhere, and then he heads straight home back to his games. I used to ask for more, but he always just made a big deal out of it or complained the whole time, so it just hurt my feelings less in the long run to expect less. I know his depression is the root of it all, anyway, so I’ve got to do what I can to try and be supportive of him.

That being said, I still feel like my life as a whole is usually very boring and uneventful. Nothing ever happens, nothing ever changes, and I don’t want to be a burden on others by asking for more. I try and put my focus on a few hobbies I enjoy to brighten my days as best I can, though. I love to cook, but it’s more fun now when someone appreciates it. I love to read, too, because it always feels like a good escape from my reality. I love music. Singing, dancing, and theatre used to be my biggest passions, but I resort myself to dancing around the apartment while I clean instead.

In one single day, though, I felt like a part of me came back to life that was long ago dead. A little spark lit up in me and reminded me what it’s like to fully express myself, fully feel my feelings, and fully know the joy life has to offer me. I haven’t felt this liberated in years.

I go about making a big breakfast for Jungkook and me, shooing him out of the kitchen and telling him to make himself at home.  Most days, we just eat cereal when he comes over, but it’s nice to be able to make him something hearty, especially since he took me out to eat twice yesterday.

Today we are having scrambled eggs, cheese grits, and some fruit. Nothing too fancy, but definitely tasty. I make more than I usually would because I’ve noticed JK can eat as much as an entire football team. How does he stay so fit? Is that another wolf thing?

That good nose of his has him coming up behind me as I’m plating everything up, helping me bring that some coffee and milk to the table for the both of us.

“Angel, you could seriously compete with Jin hyung in the cooking department. This is so good!” he compliments as he shovels more food into his mouth.

“I’m glad you like it, JK,” I thank him, laughing lightly, happy to watch him enjoying his food so much. He hums and moans every now and then, making it clear he likes his meal. I always loved cooking, but it’s infinitely better when someone shows so much appreciation for it. I’ve always thought food was a love language, so feeding him like this brings me joy. Besides, it’s not like I don’t get pleasure out of it, too. I make some damn good cheese grits.

When I’m finishing up my plate, and he’s coming back to the table with his second helping, I broach a subject I’ve been thinking about since last night.

“So, I was wondering if maybe today you’d want to go somewhere with me?” I ask with a small amount of nervousness. I don’t want to put him out, and I wasn’t sure if he planned on staying today or not. I bet he has plenty of things to do, and I know he’s told me he’s on a sabbatical at work, but surely, he has----

“I’d love to! What’d you have in mind?” he interrupts my racing thoughts and looks genuinely happy to hang out with me today.

I blink a little, kind of surprised, but I should start getting used to the idea that JK is nothing like Brandon. I know I shouldn’t be comparing the two. Bran is my husband, and JK can only ever be my friend, but I’m so used to feeling like Brandon suffers through any outing I want to go on. That is, if he even goes anywhere at all with me. JK seems so enthusiastic, and he hasn’t even heard what I have in mind yet. It’s not the activity, though. I think he just wants to spend time with me. It feels nice.

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