Chapter 12- Limbo

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Jungkook's POV

She doesn't reply, but I didn't expect her to, really. I just wanted to have her think of me while she worked.

It's been less than a week of us hanging out, and I feel like she's really starting to get close to me. She even calls me JK. The first time she said that my heart felt like bursting. Only my brothers and parents have ever called me that, and she's never heard it herself. To me, it's special.

She talks to me easily, and I love hearing her tell me about her days. I enjoy playing with her hair in the mornings, and sharing meals with her feels like home. From what I've gathered, she doesn't share many meals with her husband because he is so occupied by other things. It would be my pleasure to fill the spot that he's purposefully left vacant.

She also doesn't shy away from my touch quite as much anymore. In fact, she actually cuddled up to me all on her own this morning. I wanted to be closer, to wrap my arms around her and bury my face in her hair, but I didn't want to scare her off.

She leaned into my touch when I caressed her face. Even if she apologized afterward for it, I held on to the fact that she didn't let go of my hand right away when she pulled it away from her cheek. I don't even think she realized she did that, and if her instincts are taking over for her to be close to me, I won't stop her.

I know it's different for her as a human, but I can't help but think she's feeling something for me too. I can hear her heartbeat pick up anytime I move closer to her. When we almost kissed, I could smell her arousal. She was already embarrassed enough, so I didn't tease her about it, but I could tell she wanted me, too, and was just holding back.

For now, I'll avoid pushing her too far. I want her to get used to touching me in a way she's comfortable with. I'll hug her as often as I can, she didn't seem to mind that at all, and I'll try to be as close as she'll let me. I'll try and hold back, though, because I have a feeling she'll push me away if something like the almost-kiss today happens again.

It's hard to not kiss her, to not hold her and touch her, when my wolf side is anxious to mate. All of my instincts are wanting to claim her, to show her who she really belongs to, but I know I have to take it slow for her to come to me in the end.

Part of me wants to go to her work and stay outside, just to hear her and be close to her, but I have a feeling she wouldn't appreciate that, so I go home instead to see if the guys need help with the patrol.

I'm getting used to making this drive every day to see her, but I'm hoping that she comes to her senses soon so she can come home with me. I'm anxiously awaiting the day when I can wake up with her in my arms.

Once I make it back to the estate, I immediately undress so I can change to my wolf form. I could use a good run.

"I'm back, Namjoon hyung," I say through the mind link. "I'll make a run of the perimeter."

"Thanks, JK. How's that mate of yours?"

"Good." I left it at that, not really wanting to talk too much further about it. What am I supposed to say, that she's still married and refuses to leave him?

"When are you going to bring her by? You know we all want to meet her."

"Yeah, I'm kind of trying to get her to fall for me, so I'd rather not have all of you scare her off."

"She'll love us. Remember, she's your mate, so she's destined to be family."

"If I ever convince her of that, I'll bring her over. How about that?" What am I supposed to do, introduce her as my future wife when she swears it'll never happen?

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