Chapter 15- A Golden Day

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Jungkook’s POV

In the past couple of weeks, my time spent away from Lila has been exceptionally dull. I would work out, run as many patrols as I could fit in, and try to think of ways to surprise her next. My life was rather gray when she wasn’t around. After my impromptu photoshoot, I’m feeling a massive burst of creativity. I’m getting more and more excited to go home to edit and print these photos. It’s more than that, though. I want to paint, I want to dance, I want to finish that song I haven’t touched in weeks.

My mate is clearly also my muse.

As enthusiastic as I’m feeling about my different outlets, though, I still don’t want to miss a second of time I have with my girl. Today has been the best day of my life so far. I can feel the bond so distinctly, and I really think she must feel it, too.

I didn’t think the photo shoot would go over as well as it did. We just needed something to pass the time, and I had my camera bag with me, so I figured it would be fun. Plus, then I would have some pictures to put up afterward.

It hurt when she told me she felt unphotogenic. I know I didn’t see many pictures of her around her apartment, but I never thought much about it. The camera loved her, though, and I really think some came out good enough that even she won’t be able to deny how beautiful they are.

The pictures we took together, though, are by far my favorite. I really thought she would push me away because of how close I got, but if anything, she pulled me closer. I swear I saw something in her eyes when she looked at me. Her heart was beating as fast as mine, and her peach scent was stronger and more noticeable. It took everything in me not to mark her right there against the mural. My wolf was impatient, but I didn’t want to scare her off.

She trusts me, I think. That’s a start. She smiles when she spends time with me, and I think she might even miss me when I’m not around. If I get to spend time with her, then I’ll happily take her to as many restaurants, buy her as many books, and paint her as many murals as she likes… so long as I get to see that smile.

I lead her back through the maze of weeds to the car but stop short before I open the door for her, wrapping my arms around her body from behind.

“Thank you,” I whisper as I graze my nose down the side of her neck. She shivers and leans into the touch.

Oh? That’s an interesting development.

“What for?” she asks, voice barely audible, even for my hearing.

“For coming here with me. For being my angel.” I press a small kiss to her neck, right where I want to place my mark, but unwind myself from her shortly after. I don’t want to push my luck. I open the car door for her and take a minute to cool myself off, packing up the camera equipment before getting back in the car myself.

When I enter the driver’s side, I instantly lose any cool I had recovered from the massive wave of scent that was flooding the car. My little mate was aroused… and massively so, if her scent is any indication. I manage to suppress my growl, which takes nearly all of my willpower, but I don’t want to frighten her.

I look over at her to see her big, wistful eyes fluttering at me while she bites her lip. She’s probably not even aware that she’s driving me completely crazy, but this girl is a temptress incarnate. I maintain eye contact with her as I lean closer, watching her eyes flutter closed. I could kiss her right now if I wanted to. I can see clearly that she wouldn’t turn me away. While the blush that spreads across her cheeks and the galloping of her heart are enough to ensure that I’m not the only one feeling flustered, I know she’s not quite ready for this. I don’t want to force anything on her, and I don’t want her to feel guilty for bonding with me. I want her to come to me on her own time, completely confident that she wants me. I know we can get there, but I won’t upset her by rushing it.

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