Chapter 28- Savior

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When I reach the comfort of my apartment, I immediately strip off my confining clothes. As much as I’d like to call myself a strong woman taking control of my life, I also know my limits. I got myself together and handled my shit this morning, but now I’m going to be rid of the torture devices that are my bra and jeans and lounge around in my oversized hoodie and fuzzy socks.

I take a quick peek at my phone, making a note of the dozens of unopened messages in my family group chat, which will remain unopened for the time being, as well as noting the fact that JK is still radio silent. I shove the phone in the front pocket of my hoodie and drag myself back to the living room for a much-deserved Gilmore Girls binge session.

I must be very distracted because I didn’t hear the front door open and close. I only notice I’m not alone when I look up to see Bran smirking at me while leaning against the front door. Since when does Bran smirk? He has all of three facial expressions, and smirking isn’t in that wheelhouse.

I freeze, completely caught off guard. He packed a whole bag yesterday, and he’s supposed to be at work today. What is he doing here?

“Forget something?” I ask, feigning confidence.

“Hmm, well, initially, yes. Came by to grab my computer.”

I look at him with confusion. If that’s all he wants, why is he standing here talking to me?

“Go for it,” I tell him, sitting on the couch and grabbing the remote to distract myself.

“Funny story, actually. I pulled in right after you. Of course, I didn’t KNOW it was you until I saw you get out of that car. Whose car are you driving, Lila? I know it’s not your mom’s.”

“That’s really none of your concern, Bran,” I don’t even look at him as I reply.

“It is, especially if you got a loan! What are you trying to do, ruin my credit before you divorce me?” he spats angrily, clearly looking for a fight that I wasn’t about to give him.

I look over at him with a roll of my eyes. “I didn’t get a loan; you don’t have to worry about that.”

“I’m intimately aware of the state of our finances, Lila. I know perfectly well you didn’t have money to pay for that car in full, and it clearly has dealership tags on it. Is it yours or not?”

“Yes, it’s mine, and Bran, you haven’t been intimately aware of the state of our finances once in the last 10 years, don’t kid yourself.”

“I know well enough to know you couldn’t afford a car, or you would have gotten one before now! Now, tell me what I’m asking, Lila! Did you get a fucking loan, or did you borrow someone’s car?!” He’s screaming at this point, approaching me with too much aggression for my tastes. I no longer feel comfortable sitting here, so I stand, backing away a few paces from him.

“I didn’t borrow anyone’s car, it’s mine, and I didn’t get a loan. Your credit score will continue to be the same disappointment that it’s always been. I promise you won’t have to worry about anything I do affecting you. Not that I could claim you as a cosigner without you being there.” I try to keep my voice from rising, knowing that screaming at him won’t do any good, but the annoyance I’m feeling is clear as day. I don’t want to talk about this with him. He doesn’t deserve any answers.

He scoffs, taking a few steps toward me with his arms folded across his chest.

“And where, might I ask, have you been hiding the money, then, huh? Have you been stealing money from me in secret to buy the car? I could have you thrown in jail for that, you know!”

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