Chapter 33- Dreamweaver

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The Dreamweaver's Prophecy

In sleep, you were found,
in sleep, you were bound,
and in sleep, you may find your demise.

When the heart is whole
you will gain control
to see through hidden eyes.

With her last breath
the estrangement's set,
division, the peace eclipsed.

Should life be won,
demarcation undone...
amity for all affixed.

I reread the short entry over and over again, feeling like there’s something more to the words. A prophecy, one I’ve never heard of, that I just happen to stumble across now… This isn’t my father’s handwriting, so I have no way of being sure who wrote this entry, but it’s entrancing me. I know for a fact that our Alpha has read every journal, every entry. Why has he never mentioned this?

I go in search of my brothers, feeling strangely pulled to know more. My gut has never steered me wrong before, so I put my trust in it now.

“Hyung, do you recognize this?” I push the journal into Namjoon’s hands, pointing at the prophetic poem.

“The Dreamweaver’s Prophecy...” he starts, reading the rest aloud for our brothers. “I remember reading this years ago. This is an older journal, probably from the early 1900s. This isn’t the original entry but a copy. I found its replica in a different journal every 100 years or so. I can’t bring out the original entry because it’s preserved, it can only be opened under very certain conditions, or it could crumble. It’s that old.”

“What does it mean?” I ask, feeling desperate for answers without realizing why.

“I’m not sure. I’ve thought about it over the years, but I can’t really tell what they’re trying to say. It’s like we’re missing a part of the puzzle or an oral history that should have been passed down but was lost. It sounds to me like whatever this prophecy is foretelling would be preceded by prophetic visions or dreams of some kind, that would be the indicator that the prophecy’s end is imminent.”

My eyes grow twice their size... dreams? Both Lila and I have had dreams. In fact, we both had a near-identical dream the night before we met. I’ve had a few strange dreams since but haven’t mentioned them. I wonder if she has as well.

“Care to explain why you just dissociated for a second there, Jungkook?” Jin pries, putting a hand on my shoulder that brings me back to the present.

“We’ve had dreams... both of us, we both had dreams of each other the night before we met. I... I’ve had a few dreams since, strange dreams. I don’t remember all the details of them now. I know one of them she was running and scared. In another, there was this commune, it was on our land, and it appeared overnight. All of our allied packs were there, and Lila and I had a kid, and then I was chasing them... I don’t remember what happened, though...” I trail off, feeling like this prophecy is my own.

It terrifies me. A prophecy passed down through our pack for hundreds of years, falling on my back to conclude. What terrifies me even more, is one particular line. With her last breath, the estrangement’s set...

I knew she was in danger, but she might be in even more danger than we originally anticipated. “Let’s say, for a minute, that this is happening now. If it’s true...” I start.

“Then the Steppe Pack might not want to use Lila as ransom to get money or land. They might be after her life,” Namjoon finishes.

“If that’s the case, we don’t have time to waste,” Jimin says with a seriousness that we seldom see. He’s usually carefree, silly, flirty even. You don’t want to see him get angry, and right now, Jimin is angry at the loss of his new friend and sister.

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