Chapter 13- The Sleepover

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The next few days progressed much the same as the days before. Jungkook would come over in the mornings after Brandon left, and he would spend the morning with me. We’d watch videos together, and he’d fix my hair and eat breakfast with me. It was a pleasant routine.

He’s perfectly comfortable at my house now. In fact, he seems perfectly comfortable with ME, too. He’s more touchy-feely than he has been. He’ll hug me to greet me and to say goodbye. He’s gotten accustomed to having his arm around me while we watch videos, or sometimes he’ll even hold my hand. I let him, and I enjoy it. I won’t let him kiss me or anything further, but I let the smaller shows of affection pass because I need them so much more than he knows.

Finally, Friday rolls around, and I finally have the apartment to myself. Brandon is gone for a solid week now, and it’s almost a relief to know that I don’t have to hear his complaints.

Once I’m home from work, I settle into the couch with a book and look forward to my downtime for the weekend. An hour passes quickly while I read, the story is a mystery, and I’m riveted. Eventually, I look down at my phone and am surprised by the time. Jungkook never said he was coming over, but then he never really does. He just always manages to show up whenever Brandon isn’t here.

I guess I kind of expected him to pop in sometime after work, but maybe I’m wrong. I just hope he’s alright. I don’t really know what would hurt a werewolf, though. If he gets in a car accident or something, would that actually hurt him?

I dismiss my more anxious thoughts and decide to just text him instead.

Me: Hey… you okay?

Jungkook: Aww, is my little mate missing me?

Me: Yep, you’re just fine, never mind.

Jungkook: I think you were. 😉

Jungkook: I’m on my way, love, just a little behind.

Jungkook: Don’t worry about dinner. I’ve got it.

Of course, he would tease me. It's nice to not have to worry about cooking or ordering anything, though. After about 30 minutes, Jungkook swings the door open, not even bothering to knock.

"Honey, I'm home!"

I roll my eyes, but I still jump up to greet the smiling man and help him with all the bags he's carrying.

"What's all this? This can't just be dinner. There's too much!"

"Well, it is just dinner… but more like dinner for the better part of your week. After I told the guys that you'd be alone this week, my brother, Jin hyung, wanted to make you some meals so you wouldn't have to cook for yourself. There's a lot of options, and he's a great cook. He actually made the food I sent you for lunch before."

“Wow… that was…. Incredibly generous of him… of you both… I…”

"Are you okay, love?"

"I'm fine. I just really don't know what to say."

"Well, in his eyes, you're family, and family takes care of each other."

"He doesn't even know me, though."

"He knows you're my mate, and that's all that matters. He knows how these things work. To him, you're his sister. They're all bugging me to meet you."

"They don't, you know, hate me?" I ask hesitantly. If I were them, I'd probably hate myself for putting their brother through this.

"Why would they hate you?"

"Because I'm married? Or do they not know about that."

"No, they know," he sighs a bit. "They're more sad for us than anything. They know how it's supposed to go, and they just want us both happy."

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