Part 7 - Introductions

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Willow lays on her bed staring up at the ceiling. It's been almost a week since she came home from the hospital but she hasn't yet ventured out of the room that Tony has tried to make as accommodating as possible to make her feel at home.

Apart from allowing Nat and Tony into the room, she hasn't spoken to anyone else in the compound. Everything is so confusing and it felt like there was too much expectation out on her to carry on as normal.

Willow wandered around to the side of her bed and picked up the photo album that has been left a couple of days earlier. She knew Bucky had done it for her, had wanted her to feel at home and therefore had included not only pictures of them as a couple but also those of her with the other Avengers. Her friends. All it had done though was pulled on the feeling of emptiness and despair that she had been trying to push back down ever since waking up

Trying to psych herself up, Willow shook her limbs and repeated the following 'Come on. My name is Willow, I am an Avenger, I can go out there and say hi. This is not a big deal Willow, pull yourself together'

Feeling more confident with every stride she took, Willow followed the sounds of the voices until she reached a huge common room area. Everyone stopped to look at her as soon as she came into the room causing Willow's heart rate to increase

Steve was the first to speak 'Hey Willow, it's good to see you up and about'

Smiling warmly back at him, Willow found her voice 'Thank you... umm it's Steve isn't it? And you're Bucky's best friend'

'You are correct although you forgot to add that I'm clearly the better looking best friend'

This pulled a chuckle from Willow and immediately put her more at ease

'Hi, I'm Wanda. I'm actually making us all some chilli for dinner later and I can't wait to get your opinion on it. I hope it lives up to your expectations'

'Oh..Umm I'm not a fan of chilli actually. I'm sure it will taste amazing though'

Wanda smiled but noted how silent the room had gotten. Everyone knew that Chilli was Willow's favourite meal or at least it was. Just another thing that the team has to get used to with the 'New Willow'

'I'm sorry Y/N, I should really be introducing you to everyone. Obviously you know me, Nat... the best looking avenger, Ah you know Tony so I won't mention him, you've just met Wanda and Steve, Loki over here is someone that you actually don't know so this is the first time you've met and of course Bucky'

For the first time since Willow had entered the room she noticed that Bucky was there. She was immediately drawn to his eyes, there was something so loving that poured out of him whenever he looked at her, like he could see into her soul. She might not remember him but her whole being felt subconsciously pulled towards him.

The panic of having Bucky so close set in and Willow moved a few spaces back

'You don't need to be scared of me Willow'

'No... I know... I mean I'm not.' The feeling of drowning was creeping in and Willow knew she had to get out of there 'I think I'm going to head back to my room now. It was nice meeting you all though'

Bucky sighed in frustration as he watched her retreating form

'Are you ok Buck?' Nat enquired

'Just peachy Romanoff, I mean it's not like my wife doesn't remember me or flinches whenever I'm within touching distance'

Tony walked over to him 'Metal arm, I know it's hard but baby steps remember. Give her some more time'

Bucky nodded 'Right well I'm going to go and drown my sorrows. Feel free to join me' he proclaimed to no one in particular

'I'll go with him' Sam announced before following him out


Bucky kept staring at the door of the bar. This was the bar where he first saw Willow. She walked in wearing a white halter neck dress that reached just above the knees. Bucky remembers the air being knocked out of him as soon as he clapped eyes on her. She was beautiful and Bucky knew from that moment on that his life would never be the same.

'Care to share your thoughts' Sam enquired which broke Bucky out of the spell of walking down memory lane

'I was just remembering what is was like when I first met Willow. It was in this bar you know. She came to meet Nat and I intruded on their evening just so Nat could give me an introduction'

Sam smiled at the memory knowing he'd heard this story numerous times from all parties involved. If you asked Nat though she would say that Cupid's arrow struck him and that he was walking round with heart eyes for the rest of the evening

'I miss her Sam. There wasn't a day since we met that we didn't spend it together in one form or another. And now she can't even bear to be in the same room as me'

Sam took a sip of his beer listening intently to his friend who had been bottling up his feelings for a while now

'I want her back Sam. What if she never remembers me or the life we shared together. What if I've lost her forever?'

'You can't think like that Buck. I have never seen two people destined for each other the way that I see it when I'm around you both. You will find your way back to each other'

'I wish I could believe that Sam. I really do. The truth is I can feel her slipping away from me with each day that she can't remember'

'Then make new memories. The Bucky I know wouldn't be so defeated. The Bucky I know would get off his ass and fight for the woman he loves. So what are you going to do Bucky. Are you going to fight for her, for you both or are you going to let her go?'

The thought of letting her go made Bucky's heart ache. He would never be able to survive without her and he knew it. With that resolution formed in his mind, he knew exactly what he needed to do 'You're right. I'm going to fight for her. If she can't remember, we'll just have to make new memories'

Sam and Bucky clinked their bottles of beer together as they hatched ways in which they could get Willow to speak to Bucky.

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