Part 54 - I know how you feel

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Days had passed since my return and still Bucky hadn't made any effort to speak to me. Every time I walked into a room where he was, he left. If we did have to be in a room together, he avoided me. It was like I was invisible and every night I climbed into bed by myself clutching an old shirt of his just because it still smelt like him until I cried myself to sleep.

I could tell some of the others were worried about me and I could feel myself slipping away from them all. Maybe I wasn't meant to be here anymore. Bucky had moved on without me but I knew that was something I couldn't and wouldn't do.

I'm not even sure if he's still dating the girl from the party but every time I think about him being with her.... Being with anybody actually, it really broke my heart just a little bit more.

Clasping a hot drink in my hands, I looked around the common room to find Steve and Bucky there, but as predicted as soon as Bucky saw me, he made some excuse and left. I sighed loudly pulling my feet up on the chair and under me "He hates me, doesn't he? I bet he never wants to talk to me again."

Steve had watched you the last few days. He'd watched as the light slowly faded from your eyes with each passing day that Bucky ignored you. Watching you so broken was crushing him and he knew you wouldn't be able to carry on like this much longer "Yeah well, if he doesn't want to talk to you again, then he's an idiot. It will be his loss"

Hearing Steve defending me that way made me smile but I didn't want to get in between their friendship either "We both know he has every reason to hate me. As far as he's concerned, I've hurt him in the worst possible way. I'm pretty sure that if the shoe were on the other foot, I'd be acting the same.

Yawning, I slipped further into the sofa, placing my cup on the side table. I could feel sleep taking me over. I hadn't slept much since I'd come back. Sleeping in my bed, the bed we'd shared together without Bucky just felt wrong somehow. Feeling sleep almost take me over, I felt a blanket being placed over me and a gentle kiss placed to my forehead "I'll help you guys sort this out. I promise"

Humming in approval, I allowed sleep to fully take me over.

Steve watched over you for a few minutes until he could hear your breathing even out. A tell tale sign that you had succumbed to your slumber. Closing the door gently as to not wake you up, he stormed off towards Bucky's room

Not even bothering to knock, he pushed through the door to find both Bucky and Sam looking quizzically over at him "You can't keep ignoring her like you do. It's killing her. You must see that? Bucky, look.... I know you're angry right now but you have no idea what she's been through. Just talk to her ok?"

Bucky blinked at Steve before continuing to tie up the laces on his boots. The fact that he hadn't even acknowledged Steve made his anger increase ten fold "Really? You're just going to ignore me too"

Sensing that Bucky wasn't in the right frame of mind. Sam intervened before it could escalate "Rogers, if he's not ready to talk then stop pushing him. I get that you're worried about Willow but it's between them"

Pushing past him, Steve continued his rant "No he needs to be told what an idiot he's being before he loses her. Because he will lose her completely if he doesn't get his act together"

Pushing at Bucky, he got into his space so he could really look at his best friend whilst he called him out on his behaviour "What is bothering you the most Bucky.... Hmmmm. Why don't you get it all out there. Let it all out"

Bucky shoved back at his so called best friend "You knew. You fucking knew this whole time what she was doing and who she was with and you said nothing"

Now we were getting down to it "Yes I knew. And trust me when I say that I wanted to tell you. I saw what her leaving was doing to you but Willow didn't want to involve you and if I went against her wishes, she would've had no one because you already had everyone here in your corner"

Scoffing, Bucky pushed him hard again "She didn't want me involved or you didn't? I bet you loved playing her night in shining armour. What did you think would happen? That she would fall for you. Return those feelings back, the ones you've been desperately trying to hide. I know how you feel about her"

Steve starts laughing. Is this guy for real right now "That's what you're hung up on? Me having feelings for Willow? Because news flash dickwad she will always choose you."

"If that were the case then she would've confided in me. It would've been me helping her" Bucky shouted as he barged past to get out of the room

Yanking him back by his arm, Steve softened his voice "There was a reason she felt she couldn't tell you about this. Please..... just go and talk to her. Let her explain"

Yanking his arm out of Steve' s reach, Bucky turned his ice cold stare back at him "I don't think that I could ever trust you or her ever again. To be honest with you buddy, I don't even want to look at the pair of you right now, much less talk to you"

Shouting at Bucky's retreating back, he threw his final blow "Stop with the jealousy and the fucking pity party Buck. Give her a chance to explain before you make any decisions"

The only reaction was a one fingered salute, signalling the end of that conversation. Steve slumped down onto the bed in frustration. Why did you both have to be so stubborn

Note: Thanks for sticking with me. If you're enjoying this then please, as always leave me a like/comment ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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