Part 37 - You make me feel safe

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Laying in each others arms with Willow stretched out on top of Bucky, they both just lay there basking in the silence of each other. Bucky lazily drew his fingers across her back, letting her know that he was there for him whenever she wanted to open up.

The only sound that could be heard was the rain pelting on the cabin roof. Both of them enjoyed nature and the rain so in that moment Willow felt safe and comforted. Something she hadn't felt in days.

Willow shifted slightly so that her head rested more on his shoulder. Looking up at him she gently pressed a light kiss to the underside of his jaw to which Bucky looked down, smiling at her and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead in return

Moving her hair that had fallen slightly in front of her eyes, Bucky took it as a perfect opportunity to try and get her to open up 'I promise that I wasn't expecting that to happen when I came over here'

Giggling slightly, Willow pressed a kiss to his chest 'I know. Although I'm definitely not complaining. How did you know where to find me'

Bucky looked down at her like she had just raised a ridiculous question 'I had a feeling you'd be here. This was your favourite holiday place to visit when you were kids. You used to talk to me about it all the time. You said this is where you'd love to bring your own kids'

Smiling at how normalised it all sounded, she snuggled further into Bucky, where he leant down to whisper 'Besides, I know you better than you know yourself. This place was magical so it had to be here'

Blinking back the tears slightly, she looked up at the man who knew her so well 'Deep down I had hoped that you would find me'

Pulling her closer to him, he pushed a little further, wanting to make it clear how much she truly meant to him 'I'll always be here when you need me Low... always'

The tears that she had been trying so hard to hold back now released dropping on to the naked chest beneath her 'Thank you Buckaroo. I don't think I realised how much I needed you until you got here'

Not wanting her to be upset, he comforted her the best way he knew how. Carding his fingers through her hair until she had calmed down, he returned his gaze to her 'Hey no more crying ok? Let's get dressed and I'll order in some food for us. In fact, why don't you go and run a bath whilst we're waiting'

Bucky thanked the delivery driver and carried the food into the kitchen, grabbing some plates and wine and headed into the lounge to set everything up. Satisfied that everything was set, he heated to the bathroom knocking gently 'Hey Low, the foods here. Are you ready or shall I go and keep it warm?'

The door opened with Willow in joggers and another one of his sweat tops which made him smile. She was always stealing his clothes for herself. Her wet hair had been piled up high in a bun with loose strands breaking free. No make up in sight and she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.

She stroked the right side of his cheek before cheekily adding 'You know it's rude to stare right' he smiled back at her 'but I'm ready. What did you get?'

Taking her hand he led her back to the lounge where he had lit a few candles, pulled out the blankets and had an array of food that would be fit for a banquet and not just two people 'I got Chinese. I know it used to be one of your favourite take outs but didn't know what you'd want'

She kissed his cheek, silently thanking him 'So you thought that you'd buy out the whole restaurant' he playfully rolled his eyes at her 'Come on. Let's tuck in before it gets cold.

Willow loaded her plate with all her favourite dishes and moaned at the taste of it, causing Bucky to blush. She laughed and winked at him

Clearing his throat, Bucky looked over at her 'So... do you want to talk about what went down with you and Jeremy'

Sighing which hadn't gone unnoticed by Bucky, she started pushing her food around her plate 'I do. But can we not do it tonight. I only just got you here today and I want to enjoy just being us before all the heavy stuff comes into it. I want to feel safe for a change and you Bucky Barnes make me feel safe'

He placed his arm behind her on the sofa and shuffled slightly closer 'Well how can I say no to that. I'm happy to do whatever you want'

Nervously picking at the loose thread in her sweater, she looked back at Bucky slightly unsure 'Just in case you were wondering, nothing ever happened between me and Jeremy apart from a few kisses. Something just didn't feel right and I didn't want to take it any further'

Looking slightly relieved at her confession, he casually pulled his fingers through his hair 'I'm not going to lie. I am happy to hear that. The thought had crossed my mind once or twice so hearing nothing happened is like music to my ears'

Leaning forward, she gently captured his lips in hers before placing their foreheads together and whispering 'Would you stay here tonight with me?'

Linking his fingers through hers, never breaking their loving gaze, he whispered back 'I don't plan on going anywhere doll. Not unless you ask me too'

Smiling, she stood up clinging to Bucky's hand pulling him with her 'In that case... take me to bed Buckaroo'

Note: This one felt so raw and open. Thank you as always for supporting and providing the likes and commentary. It really does mean a lot and I appreciate every single one of them 💙💙

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