Part 44 - Guess who's back

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After the antics of the night before, Willow woke up feeling completely blissed out. Rolling over in the bed, she spent some time just admiring Bucky and his sleeping form. He really was handsome. A smile broke out remembering everything from the night before.

Before she could stop herself, she reached out lightly slipping her fingers through his hair and watched as he started to slowly rouse. Placing light kisses across his cheeks, she felt him smile and move an arm around her waist to pull her closer to him

Opening one eye, Bucky looked at Willow loving how relaxed she appeared to be this early in the day "Morning beautiful. You look pretty happy this morning"

Willow started lightly stroking her fingers across his biceps "Oh I am. I'm really happy this morning and looking at you I'll go out on a limb and say that you feel the same. Relaxing in her hold, Bucky puffed his hair out of his eyes "I get to wake up next to you. Why wouldn't I be happy"

Tickling her sides, Willow squirmed in his hold before leaning in for a kiss. What started as a simple kiss soon morphed into something passionate. Bucky groaned and pulled her closer to him, Willow wrapping her leg around his hip. Just as things were really starting to heat up, a phone started ringing.

Bucky groaned and Willow pulled back giggling. Wriggling to get out of his grasp, she pressed a chaste kiss to his lips before slipping out of bed "Hold that thought whilst I go and answer that"

Pouting, Bucky looked at her "Fine but be quick. I'll keep the bed warm"

Flipping over the cushions on the sofa to find the source of the annoying shrill, Willow huffed in frustration. She could be in that bed right now, with Bucky making sure she was screaming his name as loud as possible.

Without looking at the caller ID, Willow yanked the phone to her ear "Yeah... hello"

A slight chuckle rang through the phone "You are a hard woman to find, you know that" Willow felt herself freeze at hearing the voice she had hoped she'd never have to hear again "Willow, you there?"

Feeling the anger seeping through her veins, prompted Willow to speak "How the hell did you get my number. You know what, it doesn't matter. Lose this number and never call me again"

"Wait... please don't hang up. Just give me five minutes, please"

Against her better judgement, Willow hung on the line "What do you want Jeremy?" She could hear him lightly chuckle, clearly mocking her "Now is that any way to speak to one of your oldest friends. The person you were once going to marry"

Willow laughed bitterly "That person doesn't exist anymore. The only thing you are to me now is a murderer. You should be in jail for all the shit you've done"

Gripping the phone tighter, Jeremy sighed "She tricked you Willow"

"What are you talking about" Willow was slowly losing her patience and knew that if she was away for much longer, Bucky would come looking for her "Do you even hear how ridiculous you sound right now"

Clearing his throat, Jeremy continued undeterred "Your little friend... the witch. She planted those images in my mind. None of them were real memories"

Silently sobbing, Willow fell back into the chair, pulling her legs tightly to her chest "You're a liar. Wanda wouldn't do that"

"Are you sure about that Willow? These so called friends of yours would do anything to keep us apart. How can you not see that?"

Shaking her head, Willow started questioning what he was saying. Wanda wouldn't do that.. surely. She knows how they all feel about Jeremy but they wouldn't lie to her. Not about this "Stop with the lies. Bucky has told me everything. The bribes, the lies, I don't think there is anything you wouldn't resort to if it meant you got your own way"

Feeling her slipping away, he knew he had to dig in deeper "Is it lies though. You know me Willow. I loved your father like he was my own. I would never do the things they said I would do"

Hearing her sob harder through the phone, he pushed further "You're not sure anymore are you? If you honestly think that what they're saying is true. That I would do that to you and your father, then I'll go now and I'll never bother you again"

Willow didn't know who to believe but her father had always told her to listen to her gut as it would never lead her astray and that's what she did. She may have known Jeremy longer but she knew Bucky wasn't lying to her and that was enough right now

"Goodbye Jeremy" was the last thing he heard before the phone clicked and the call ended. Dumbfounded he stood there for a few seconds, trying to process what had just happened.

Anger seeped into every pore, how dare those Avengers meddle like they have. This just meant he had to up his game. He pushed everything off his deck in a fit of rage, shouting and pulling as his hair. If they thought they could get away with this, they were sadly mistaken.

He'll show them what it was to cross him and he'd make sure that he got back what was his. He'd have Willow eating out of his hand in no time. Fuck the Avengers. Fuck Bucky Barnes

Calming herself down, Willow made herself more presentable before walking back into the bedroom. Bucky had fallen back to sleep and Willow just stood watching him for a while before climbing back into bed and snuggled right back into his arms, where she belonged.

Note: Hope you enjoyed it. Losing half this story on TikTok by having my videos removed, was a huge blow but it's nice to live it all over again through here. Please continue to like/comment/share ❤️

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