Part 32 - What Next?

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Three months, Willow had hidden herself away from everyone. Three whole months. She's kept in contact with Nat, Yelena and Tony but she hadn't reached out to the others and she'd asked not to receive any updates on Bucky.

There's no denying it's been hard but Willow was ready to face the world again. She's started getting closer to Jeremy again but wasn't ready to take their relationship to the next level. A few kisses had been shared but it never went any further.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she felt good for the first time in months. Her nerves were getting to her though. It wasn't going to be easy seeing everyone again but she missed them. They were the closest things to family that she had

Loitering at the bedroom door, Jeremy watched Willow getting ready. He wasn't happy that she was going back to them but he knew if he tried to control that narrative she would run from him 'Do you really have to go?'

Looking at his reflection in the mirror she continued to apply her favourite lip gloss 'Yep. A girls night is just what I need. Besides Tony is authorising for me to do missions again so I'll soon be out of your hair'

'What if I don't want you out of my hair' Willow turned to face him after that confession 'I've been thinking. Why don't you move in with me.. here. You've been here for the last 3 months anyway. It just feels right'

Of all the things she was expecting him to say this wasn't it 'what' she muttered to him feeling slightly bewildered.

'Move in with me. We get on super well and I know we're taking things slow but I love having you here. I have an extra room and we've lived with each other before. So what do you say?'

Willow sighed slightly but moved to sit on the bed, patting the space next to her for him to sit. He willingly walked over and sat next to her so she took his hand in hers.

Looking up at him through her fluttered lashes, she took a deep breath 'Jez.... I'm not ready for anything like that yet. Ever since the accident, I've tried to do things to make others happy and now I need to do things that will make me happy. Figure out who I am again'

Smiling at her, Jeremy took one of her hands in between his 'I know your not ready and I'm fine with that. We can take things at your pace Willow. I meant move in with me... just as friends'

'I'll think about it ok?' Willow placed a hand on his cheek 'That's the best I can do at the moment'

Feeling relieved that she hadn't completely rejected him, he returned the smile 'I'll take it. Have you managed to speak to him yet'

Willow sighed looking down 'If by him you mean Bucky then no. I think we both just wanted to give the other some space. I miss him though'

Hearing that she missed him sliced through his heart but he did his best to push it down 'I know it doesn't feel like it now but he was never good enough for you'

Removing her hand from his, she pulled it through her hair in frustration 'Don't do that. That's the same thing they all say about you and I hate that'

Willow started pacing aggressively 'You know who never said a bad word about you. Bucky. He never even once tried to slate you. Maybe you could all take a leaf out of his book and try to be more like him'

'Hey I'm sorry, ok. I didn't mean to upset you' grabbing her chin, he turned her towards him 'You're right. It isn't fair of me to talk about him in a derogatory manner when he isn't even here to defend himself. I really am sorry'

Not wanting it to escalate into a fight she smiled at him 'Thank you for understanding'

As she turned from him, he gently grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled her round so that she was back to facing him. With his other hand he gently cupped her cheek and leaned into her pressing their lips together. As surprised as she was, Willow went with it, kissing him back. He slightly nibbled on her lower lip causing her to moan and to allow his tongue access. He cupped hold of the other side of her face and went in deeper. Trying to convey his feelings to her in that kiss.

Willow could feel herself getting wet. There was no denying that he kissed passionately and her body clearly yearned for him but her heart and her head just weren't in it. They were practically screaming for her to stop.... So she did.

Placing a hand to his chest, she lightly pushed him away, looking at him seeing the hurt and confusion in his face 'I've got to go...ok'

Turning she slipped her leather jacket on. The one that Bucky had bought her so they could have matching his and hers jackets. Noticing that he hadn't said anything since she stopped the kiss, she moved forward, grabbing both his hands and leaning her forehead against his 'I just need time ok. I don't mean to hurt you Jez but I'm so confused at the moment. Can you give me time?'

He opened his eyes to stare into hers before lightly kissing the tip of her nose 'Of course I can. I'll wait forever if that's what I need to do. I'll be here when you're ready'

Feeling her heart swell at his words she lightly kissed his lips 'I'll give you a text when I'm on my way back so you don't need to worry'

'Have fun' he called out. Willow smiled at his attempt at supporting her before leaving the apartment. Jeremy wanted to scream, to consume his body weight in alcohol, to hit something. He thought he would have her eating out of the palm of his hand by now. He was going to have to up his game.

Pulling out his phone, he dialled a number and waited 'Hey it's me..... I need you to follow her this evening and see what she's up to. More importantly I want to know if he shows up'

Note: Oooh he's a slimy character. Thanks for getting me over 11k views. Please keep commenting/liking these chapters if you're enjoying it still. I appreciate every single one of them ❤️

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