- Ch.1 -

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♡︎♥︎♡︎- time skip
☾☀︎︎ - flashback/past
➪𖨆- present times


The sound of waves splashing onto the plank, the sound of the blazing sun hovering over those who value nature. They gain a faint but evident smile when they see how serene the ocean can be. Gazing into the dazzling horizon, a light crimson color rose from their little plump cheeks. They could hear the seagull's cries loud yet calming.


Their breath hitched slightly pulling back from them and gazing upon the ocean. Regaining their composure (Name) went back to the tepid expression that they endured having their whole life. I wonder what Mr.Krieg needs now... (Name) jerked away from the railing and steered to their boss. The quiet but diligent steps (Name) took echoed throughout the hallway, finally reaching the front of Mr. Krieg's door. (Name) knocked on the door precisely three times just as requested by Mr. Krieg. "Come in!" The door creaked as they enter the big but bare room, as (Name) kneeled on one knee, bowing down their head, they raised a question.

"What is it you need assistance with, Mr. Krieg?" He chuckled a little amused by (Name)'s demeanor. "Get the ship prepared we're taking a trip to Baratie," Krieg said. "Yes, sir is there a time when you want it ready?" Krieg smoothed his beard pondering, "Hmph, have it ready by noon!" Huh? That soon? It's already 10:00 am though... Well if he desires it by noon then I guess I'll have to make it work. (Name) stood up and walked away, "Yes Mr. Kreig I won't let you down."


The thick mist covered the sea weakening people's vision to see afar. The creaking floorboards were loud on the quiet shore, as Luffy walks carefully along the base of the sea restaurant to take out the trash. After Luffy accidentally broke a part of the owner's roof he has to pay off his debt by being a chore boy for a year. "Hey, Luffy!" Ussop called out. "What's going on?! Let's leave here soon!" Ussop didn't want to stay here any longer than they already have been. "Wait a little longer I'll try talking to the owner again," Luffy called out. Out of instinct, he swivels his head to see ahead into the distance. He focused on the sea until he could see a small figure of a ship with a flag, his breath hitched knowing what was coming. Pirates.

The ship was massive, estimated to be 50 times larger than the restaurant, and it appears to be a ghost ship due to the tears in the sail. Just looking beneath the ship made Ussop tremble, "Hey, this isn't good! Shouldn't we just get out of here?!" Nami's eyes widen as well. "What a huge galleon!" The others were scared and worried but Luffy was filled with curiosity, "What a huge ship! I wonder if Ghin came back to repay for your kindness," Luffy said grinning with delight. Ah so naive. "I don't think so...but it seems strange." Sanji's eyes glare watching the ship carefully. Luffy took a glance and noticed how unstable and raggedy the ship was, sure it was huge but it seemed so fragile. "Their ship is sure to beat up," Luffy said nonchalantly.  "It doesn't seem like they were attacked by cannons...But then, it's hard to think that damage is manmade." The ship looked like it was almost cut in half, strange. "Did they come across a tornado or something?"

Two beings emerged from the wrecked ship's black shadows, one much smaller than the other. When they came closer to the restaurant, it was evident that Ghin was doing his best to assist Mr. Krieg in walking."S-Sorry—Can I have some water and food? We have money...tons of money..." The tall man shuddered, desiring a taste of grub. "I don't even remember that last time I ate. Please...give me some water and food..." Ghim showed grimaced sadden by the fact of his captain's weakened state. Me. Kreig lost his stability and fell accidentally taking Ghin with him. "Don Krieg! Please, help our captain! He hasn't eaten anything for days! He'll die if he doesn't eat!" The customer's faces were filled with bitterness and loathing, they showed no concern for the poor starved man. One of the chefs even cackled, "This is good! It's a riot to see the famous arch rogue Don Krieg like this!"

Ghin's teeth hitched extremely irritated by the fact they had no remorse for them. "We have money this time! We're customers!" The chef huffed, "Don't be ridiculous! Hey, contact the Navy right away. He's at his weakest right now. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! There's no need to feed him anything. Keep him under arrest." Slowly everyone starts to agree upon contacting the Navy to take care of these Pirates. "I won't do anything... Once I eat, I promise I'll leave quietly. So please...help me." Me. Krieg began to bow, pleading for food, so unprincipled. "Please stop begging! It's not something you should do! Please don't do something so disgraceful!" He ignored Ghin's cries and continued to beg like a dog.

The chef scowled at the scene not buying anything he had said, "Ha! Are you trying to gain our sympathy?" A sudden sound of footsteps echoed throughout the dining area, and silent but persistent Sanji walks along the stairs. "Hey out of my way, Patty." Sanji kicks him straight in the face and then proceeded to walk like he did nothing. Ghin looks ahead where Sanji was and gazed upon the big bowl of water and food. "Sanji..." He placed the food down to the ground close enough so Mr. Krieg could consume it. "Thank you!" Mr. Krieg immediately starts to eat. Everyone gaped at the sight astonished by Sanji's generosity. Although it didn't mean some did not like his choice of action. "Hey, Sanji! Take that food away now! Do you realize what kind of man he is?! He's a man who's called the East Blue Ruler, the foul player Krieg!" As the displeased chef finished on about Krieg's legacy the sound of a glass-making contact with the floor alerted the people to focus, once again, on Mr. Krieg. He got up and swung at Sanji with his powerful fist and Sanji was knocked back to the floor.

"Sanji!" After hearing the awful sound of Sanji's head colliding onto the ground the guests ran out. Ghin felt a gush of betrayal in his heart shocked by his captain's action. "This... This isn't what we agreed, Don Krieg! I brought you here under the condition that wouldn't touch this restaurant! And that man saved our lives-" Mr. Kreig held onto Ghin's arm tightly enough to break it. "Augh!" Ghin fell to the ground.

(Name) peeks at the disturbing scene from afar they let out a sigh, concerned for Ghin's broken arm. Oh, how devastating this turned out to be, hmm- I should've just swapped places with Ghin then he wouldn't have to be injured. This is my mistake I should go and assist. (Name) leaps down to the creaky yet stable floorboard and heads inside. But what they hadn't noticed was that (Name) was being observed by a group of three. "Who the heck are they?" Ussop asked. Zoro crossed his arms staring at the suspicious figure. "We'll see when we go in there." Ussop gaped at Zoro, "What?! Are you serious?!" Zoro caught onto Ussop's stuttering and he began to mock him. "Oh? Are you scared?" He huffed in response to Zoro's mocking. "Wha- Don't be silly!"

In the restaurant, the employees were still shocked by Mr. Krieg's sudden change. He hears the quiet footsteps behind him and immediately knew who they came from. "(Name) I'm sick of that old, rusty ship I'm starting to like this new one. I'll take this ship." He grinned. (Name) took a glimpse of the place, Interesting the marble floor is tough and sturdy not to mention smooth as a plate. The choice of color for the interior is well thought out... Although the stairs are a bit screwed up I could fix that if Mr. Kreig wishes me to do so. "It is a good choice, Mr. Kreig. This restaurant is perfect for your desires. But there is a slight dilemma," (Name) said. He glanced to the side and scowled slightly. "And tell what is that?"

"People are protecting the restaurant generally the employees. What would you like to do, sir?" Luffy peered with wide eyes scanning the anonymous figure. "Ooooo! Are they a butler?!" Luffy's eyes glistened with excitement. "I want one! I want one! I want one!" He shook the chef next to him and resulting in the chef falling. "Hey, Butler!" Luffy cried out. Hearing their name uttered by someone other than Mr. Krieg made (Name)'s throat tighten. (Name) swallowed the lump in their throat and locked their gaze on the pirate. "Yes, uhm-" Luffy chuckled, "Luffy!" They hummed in response. "Ah yes, sir Luffy-" He interrupted (Name) once again, "Just Luffy!" They sighed in annoyance. "Mhm uh, do you have a concern, Luffy?"

"Join my crew butler!"



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