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♡︎♥︎♡︎- time skip
☾☀︎︎ - flashback/past
➪𖨆- present


As the sun beat down on the golden sands, the crew approached the entrance of the desert city.

"It's hot in here..." Nami whined. (Name) reassured the navigator they soon would be out of this disguise.

Oh Great Ussop, I have to be honest this idea is not the best... The whole crew except Sanji, Chopper, and Vivi were underneath a huge green cloth.

Once out of it (Name) could admire the city. The towering walls of the city loomed ahead, casting shadows over the bustling marketplace.

The air was thick with the scent of spices and incense, mixed with the sweat of the laborers and the braying of donkeys.

"Wait... where did Luffy go?" (Names) eyes was drawn to city and landscape that they forgot Nami told them to keep a eye on the captain.

"Ahh?! You lost him already? Go get him, (Name)!" Nami exclaims pointing towards the town.

"Yes Miss Nami... I'll go right now." Already got an earful form Nami and it hasn't been 5 minutes.

As (Name) made their way through the winding streets, they were greeted by the sight of vendors selling exotic fruits and colorful fabrics.

Despite the hot, dry climate, the city was filled with life and energy. The sound of music and laughter filled their ears as they passed by groups of dancers and musicians entertaining the citizens.

(Name) couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty of this desert city.

Focus, (Name)! You have to find Luffy! Even if that fruit looks delicious... (Name) eyed the fruit that had a splash of red and green.

They must've been obvious about wanting it because the vendor asked if (Name) would like some fruit.

"Oh! Uh, no no no. I don't have money, my apologies." (Name) dismisses the offer(sadly).

"You must be hungry, here take two. Pay me back someday, alright?" The vendor was a sweet old woman smiled.

"Oh, miss are you certain?" They were hesitant to take it for free.

"But of course." The stranger was too sweet.

"Oh. Uhm, miss..." (Name) murmured.

"No! Nonsense, take it!" She kept insisting and insisting.

"I uh—understand but miss—" (Name) wasn't trying to deny the kindness, but something else was on their mind. "No really I insist!"

Doesn't she get I'm trying tell her... "—There's a spider in your face."

"What." The vendor finally felt the tingling sensation of the spider crawling around her forehead.

"AHHHHH MONSTER!!" She shrieks. Continuing to wipe her face, she scrambles around.

(Name) could feel the people's judging stares, please universe let me shop in peace... They clasped their hands together.

𝘗𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘣𝘶𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘳? One Piece {Luffy x gn!reader}Where stories live. Discover now