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♡︎♥︎♡︎- time skip
☾☀︎︎ - flashback/past
➪𖨆- present times


(Name) was too occupied to notice that Sanji was punched down to the ground by one of the chefs, Patty. He had a bone to pick with Don Krieg's crew, "...Tch and trusting a lowly butler to help cook? What a gag!" Patty smirked. Although, (Name) didn't seem to be fazed whatsoever and that ticked Patty off. "Huh, Got nothing to say? Wow, I never knew that your butler could be such a coward!" (Name)'s breath hitched slightly struggling to keep calm. I'm not a coward. I'm not a coward. I'm not a coward. I'm not a coward. I'm not a- (Name) instantly stopped by hearing the alarming sound of a weapon. They looked ahead to witness Patty holding a bazooka, he fired aiming at the captain. Mr. Krieg! (Name) ran into the smoke without hesitation.

Because of the smoke from the fire, it was difficult to tell if Mr. Krieg had been killed. But, to be honest, the chances of him surviving such a blow are slim to none. "It'll taste good, right? You lame cook!" Mr. Krieg grinned in the smoke. "How dare you serve such a nasty dessert?! This is the lousiest restaurant! Good thing my butler took the desert for me," He said in a nasty tone. The chefs turn to look at the startling scene, (Name) held the cannonball in their hands pressing against their chest, stopping it from impact. "Please reframe from attacking my captain so suddenly." They dropped the heavy ball onto the floor causing a deep hole in the floor. "You're damn annoying!" Mr. Krieg releases his multiple guns and fires toward the chefs, everyone could hear the painful cries of the people being shot.

Ghin buried his face against his clammy hands, he couldn't watch the destruction that he had caused for bringing his captain. "Don't defy me! I'm the strongest! Steel arms more powerful than anyone's—A steel-made body that is harder than anyone's— And a diamond first that can destroy anything! I have all sorts of built-in weapons throughout my body. The 50-ship large fleet and 5,000 pirate force! I've won all battles in the past! I am the man fit to be called Don!" As Mr. Krieg finished his speech a loud voice came through the staircase. "Out of the way, kid!" Alas, Luffy was already being shoved by the enormous bag the owner of the restaurant was carrying. "Uhm Mr. Krieg we have the food-" Regardless of (Name)'s calling out, Mr. Krieg was too engulfed by his rage to hear them. "When I tell you to prepare food all you have to do is obediently follow orders! Don't defy me!" (Name) arches their eyebrows in irritation and raised their voice. "Sir! Just look ahead!" (Name) points to the loaded-up bag that was prepared by the owner, Zeff. "There's probably enough for 100 meals in this. Bring it to your ship right away." It was silent enough to hear the distressed breathing of Mr. Krieg. "Z-Zeff?"

(Name) stared blankly at the figure of the owner, That's the infamous Red Foot Zeff? He sure shifted onto a different path. But, I'm in no position to judge I wonder how he came to be this way. Zeff paid no mind to the gape from his co-workers and walked along. "If they have the will to fight, that is... Right, defeated warrior of the Grand Line?" Murmurs echoed throughout the walls, astonished by the fact even his pirate fleet couldn't sail across the Grand Line. "You must be Red Foot Zeff...! So you are alive after all. An incomparable pirate who was a cook and yet also a captain." (Name)s body stiffens by the fact they were in the presence of an extraordinary pirate. "So what if I'm alive? It has nothing to do with you. As you can see, I live as a cook now." But for an unknown reason, Mr. Krieg laughs. "If you put it that way, it sounds nice- though rather than living as a cook, it looks like you can only live as a cook." He stares intently at his right leg. The captain began poking fun at Zeff and the rumor about why he resigned from being a pirate. "What about fighting? I can cook without a leg as long I have these hands. What're you trying to say? Just come right out and say it!"

"Red Foot Zeff. You're the man who once enter the Grand Line and came back unhurt... There should be a logbook with a full year of your journey chronicled in it... Give that to me!" Mr. Krieg gestures his hand toward himself. "Whoa! You've been to the Grand Line, too pops?" Luffy gawks at Zeff with more admiration. "Yeah...My logbook, huh? Indeed, I have it with me. But I can't give it to you. The logbook is the pride of all the crewmen that I traveled with. It's too important to give it to you." (Name) sighs understanding what would come next. Force. "Then I'll just take it from you by force. I indeed fell from the Grand line. Even if that's the case, I'm still Don Krieg, the strongest man. It's merely a dark sea route. To sail across it, I had enough power... And forces... As well as ambition! The only regrettable thing was that I lacked information. I just didn't know things. I'll take your logbook. And I'll form a large pirate fleet again and seize the One Piece. And then I'll stand on top in this Great Pirate Era!"

The sound of echoing steps filled people's ears with confusion. They saw a boy with a straw hat and a sleeveless red vest and blue trousers with cuffs. What's he up to? What was his name again? Luffy? Once (Name) hears the echoing halt they focus back on the boy. "Hold on a second! I'm the one who's gonna be King of the Pirates!" Luffy stood there with certainty. "Chore boy! Back off, you're no match for him!" Patty exclaimed. "I can't back off on this." He grinned. Mr. Krieg stares blankly at the lanky boy in front of him. "Did to say something, kid? I can let it pass-" Alas he was interrupted by the straw hat boy. "You don't have to. I just stated a fact." Mr. Krieg glared at the boy, "This isn't game." Even though Mr. Krieg held no smile Luffy smiled as if it was nothing. "Of course not. I'll conquer the Grand Line." (Name) was awestruck by this boy's enthusiasm. Hm. How cute.


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