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♡︎♥︎♡︎- time skip
☾☀︎︎ - flashback/past
➪𖨆- present times



There he goes up in flames again. Literally. Pearl started to shoot fire pearls, igniting the fins of the ship.

"That idiot is burning the ship! We need that ship dammit!" Mister Krieg called out, agitated.

(Name) watched as the scene unfold, eager to know what was about to happen next. Until Mister Krieg swung his flail towards the fins of the ship.

"Gum-Gum bazooka!" Luffy pushes it back to Mr. Krieg without effort. Oh, it almost seems that it'll hit me—it's coming straight for me. (Name) sighs and dodges the flail.

It breaks the mast beside them and falls on top of Pearl's head causing him to lose consciousness.

Well, that's one way to take care of things, (Name) thought. But stopped thinking to themselves when they saw a figure behind Zeff.

Is that... Ghin? (Name) squinted their eyes trying to see the figure more clearly.

With much surprise Ghin forces Zeff onto the ground, he pointed his gun at Zeff's head.

"No matter how incredible he was in the past, he's just a mere cook. Do you want to save this man right, Sanji? Then leave the ship without picking a fight, I don't want to kill you." Ghin frowns slightly.

(Name) blinks slowly their hand softly caressing their frowning lips, "He wouldn't do that it's not like Ghin."

Sanji took a smoke, "No way! Look at you ya old geezer, you're not embarrassed by the example you're setting for the cooks?" Sanji tried lecturing Zeff. "

Tch I don't need a lecture from a little brat." They continue to bicker not able to find a solution until Luffy got fed up and used the Gum-Gum battle ax.

"That's it! Ghin kill the old geezer, right now!" Mr. Krieg said profoundly loud. "B-But he prepared us 100 meals— he saved our lives, sir!" Ghin's sweat trickled down his face seeing his captain's infuriated face.

"Ghin, kill him right now or else!" (Name) gulped quietly a bit curious about what Ghin will do next.

Pearl ran to Luffy and Sanji to attack but before he could do anything Pearl's shield was crushed, by Ghin.

"You're in my way, Pearl." Mister Krieg grinds his teeth together, though Ghin's intention is not to betray the crew he is planning to kill Zeff.

(Name) sighs overseeing the fight between them, wondering if their captain will ever ask for their help.

"Say (Name) are you impressed by any of this?" Mr. Krieg asks. (Name) stares off to the side, their hands behind their back.

"If I must give my opinion I would say that I am impressed by the straw hat boy, though he is not as strong compared as you sir." (Name) focuses their eyes on Luffy observing the boy.

Seeing his scrawny figure able to hit with the same force as a lion, though (Name) was still not yet convinced that he could defeat Mister Krieg. (Name) has always wondered what would happen when their master was defeated in battle.

(Name) has had many masters before Krieg, although usually (Name) would be bought off from their most recent master. But, ever since Mister Krieg had killed their previous master and took in (Name) as his butler everything has been different.

If he were to be defeated would I be free?

The thought lingered in (Names) mind but only for a second, they shook their head slightly attempting to erase the thoughts in their head.

Loyalty is an essential part of being a Butler I mustn't think those awful ideas, (Name) adjusts their gloves, pulling their gloves making sure they fit right.

It was a gesture (Name) did whenever they felt guilty or saddened by something or someone. You could even say it was (Names) way of coping without being a nuisance.

"I don't want to ruin this ship but I guess there is no avoiding it," Ghin said.

"I'll be glad to put you in your place before you could even take a step into the restaurant," Sanji smirked.

"You too chore boy, I'll show you the wrath of a Krieg pirate." Grin scowled.

"Thanks for the warning but I'm not afraid of some Krieg pirate," Luffy said nonchalantly.

Not able to do anything else other than try to stay afloat, the pirates began to shout names at the boy.

(Name) quickly covers their mouth while suppressing their laughter, but as they do so, they sense eyes peeping through them.

(Name) glances in all directions until seeing Luffy's gaze and his stoic expression, he waves.

(Name) lowers their hand and went back to their neutral expression. Hesitantly, (Name) waves back not wanting to ignore him.

Sanji notices this and turns to Luffy, "You're not supposed to be friendly with the enemy idiot!"

"But the butler isn't my enemy they're my new crewmember," Luffy says with no hesitation.

"Oh wow you've pissed them off," Sanji said.

"They're kind of easy to read, they get mad that everything." Luffy smiles. 

As the duo was right because right after that the pirates lunged at them to fight. But alas, Mister Krieg ordered them to stop.

"Only the weak react to such silly words! Don Krieg pirates run from no man," Mister Krieg shouts.

"Ghin, take care of the cook! (Name), you take care of the snot-nosed brat! Give him a good lesson for me," Mister Krieg said.

(Name) nodded, "Alright sir, as you wish."

Although, strangely enough (Name) felt a bit guilty for some reason. As if they didn't want to hurt the scrawny pirate. But it wasn't (Names) choice they couldn't disobey Mister Krieg.

(Name) proceeded to hop to each platform to reach Luffy.

"I do hope you are ready Luffy. I do not go easy on my enemies." (Name) adjusts their gloves, pulling their gloves making sure they fit right.

"Well if this is the only way to convince you to join my crew then alright!" Luffy grins.


1000 words

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