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♡︎♥︎♡︎- time skip
☾☀︎︎ - flashback/past
➪𖨆- present


The crew finally set sail and headed to the Alabasta Kingdom.

"Ahhh finally peace and tranquility..." Nami sighs.

(Name) had to agree. Even they didn't fight, or anything if that matter, but even so, the humidity didn't help with their rat bites.

It was becoming more painful by the minute, god I wish we had a doctor.

"Hm, yes, it is relaxing Miss Nami—ah...!"(Name) yelped for a second as they hastily held their side.

"Are you okay, (Name)?" Nami had a face full of worry as she put her hand on their shoulder.

(Name) retracted their hand back and forced a smile, "I'm doing splendidly, Miss Nami."

Nami crosses her arms skeptical of (Name), it was bizarre if (Name) out of all people unexpectedly yelped out of nowhere when there is no reason to.

Unless (Name) was hiding something. 

"Then what was that yelp for?"

"I'm still healing from my last battle, no need to worry Miss Nami." (Name) lied through their teeth.

I'm truly ashamed of my lies Miss Nami, truly. They give a small(pained) smile.

"It is a simple bruise from earlier."

That was a lie. Although (Name) didn't want to lie, they didn't want Nami or anyone else to fret. It was better that way. It's not like they would do something about it. The crew would brush it off like it was nothing, they should.

Why prioritize some no one who isn't essential to the crew?  (Name) dragged themselves down even further in their thoughts.

"No one should be attached to a mere servant." (Name) whispered.

"Sorry I couldn't hear you. What did you say (Name)?" Nami asked.

"Ah I said let's not dwell on the past, Miss Nami." (Name) adjusted their gloves, trying to avoid holding eye contact with her.

"Please enjoy this perfect day while you can, I'll even serve you a drink if you desire that." They bowed.

Nami held a wary expression but it still accepted the request.

"I suppose a drink wouldn't hurt. And please have it with lots of ice I feel like I'm being grilled in the sun ..." She used her hand as a fan.

"Yes right away, Miss Nami. Let me escort you to a place with a nice seat and shade." (Name) gently guided Nami.

They softly put Nami down on a beach chair and go ahead to get her drink.

As (Name) entered the kitchen they felt the tingling sensation of cold air touching their body. It was refreshing, and it was away from being in the burning heat outside.

Surprisingly Sanji wasn't present. Usually, he would be in here making anything or just relaxing on the bench seats.

It was almost like a safe haven for Sanji, where no one hung out while he was in there cooking. It does seem a bit depressing when you hear that but Sanji prefers it that way. The kitchen is a sacred place for him.

𝘗𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘣𝘶𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘳? One Piece {Luffy x gn!reader}Where stories live. Discover now