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♡︎♥︎♡︎- time skip
☾☀︎︎ - flashback/past
➪𖨆- present times


"Join my crew, butler!"


He rested moping on the railing disappointed with their quick answer. "Aw, why not?" Mr. Kreig scowled at the preposterous request of giving up his only butler to a low-life kid. "Enough!" (Name) grew stiff and halted from speaking any further. "My ship became a wreck, so I wanted a new one. You'll get off this after you take care of what I tell you to do, or else my butler will have to straighten you up." A crowd of eyes locked upon (Name)'s small yet muscular figure they stared further as (Name) tightened their tie. "Don Krieg... This isn't why you promised." Even if Ghin's efforts he couldn't change his captain's mind. "They're about 100 of my underlings still alive on my ship. They're weak with hunger and severe injuries. First, prepare 100 meals and water for them. We've already starved to death. Bring them over immediately!" He ordered with anger.

"Are you telling us to revive pirates that are gonna attack this ship?! We refuse!" The chefs glared at the pirate with subtle fear but still maintained their composure. "Refuse? Don't get the wrong idea. I'm not placing an order. I'm giving you orders. It doesn't matter who you are, don't defy me!" Mr. Krieg shouted with a powerful force. The atmosphere grew thick and quiet until Ghin spoke out. "Sanji... I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." Ghom held onto his arm tightly trying to hold in his whimpers. (Name) stared down to the floor averting the gazes of anyone, ashamed of the turn of events.

In truth, (Name) never wished for this to happen, and deep in their heart, they wish that they could demand Mr. Krieg not take the chef's restaurant and only home. Unfortunately, they are too deep to break out the chains that held onto their sovereignty.

"Hey, Sanji! Where are you going?!" Sanji stood silently as the room waited for his answer. "To the kitchen. I have to prepare 100 more meals." (Name) eventually looked up in a fluster, somewhat gasping. How thoughtful. What was his name again? San? Sansan? Sanyi? Jin? Ah, I know Sanjin! That must be it.

"Excuse me, Sanjin." He looks at them with a deadpan face, "It's Sanji." (Name) nodded vigorously. "Yes what I said. Sanjin may I accompany you to cook? I wouldn't be a bother I swear on my heart." (Name) leaned down and crossed their left arm over their torso, showing a sign of respect. "What?!" The crowd gasps in disbelief. Sanji halted going up the stairs and took a glance at (Name), wary of their intentions. But the longer he stared into (Name)'s eyes he could tell how genuine their words were. "Alright, it wouldn't hurt to have a hand." (Name) took a step forward slowly, and then onward they went with more determination.

Mr. Krieg smirked with pride, "Right. That's how it should be." But the chefs did not like where it escalated so they had no choice but to surround Sanji and (Name) with giant utensils. "Are you Krieg's spy, Sanji?! Putting trust on the enemy's butler?!" (Name) narrowed their eyes, gradually examining the room. "We can't let you go in the kitchen! We are fed up with your crazy behavior!" (Name) pondered dismissing the threats made by the cooks. I wonder what we should cook for my comrades. Something we can cook fast and would make their bellies full but not use as many ingredients... This is very much a dilemma, They sighed.

"Go ahead." The chefs gasped slightly, astonished by Sanji's serious tone. "If you want to stop us, go ahead!" (Name) hovered their hand over Sanji's mouth signaling that they would take it from here. "I know my captain can be a scoundrel at times. But it doesn't matter and shouldn't matter to you. I don't entirely know how they'll act after they eat... But I'll take the responsibility for everyone's actions and I will surely repair the damage with my own two hands." (Name) peers through the cooks with anguish, recalling the washed away bloodshed the crew had endured. Their eyes shift to the odd boy with the straw hat (Name) tilting their head in question why he beamed with delight. But, as much as Luffy notices the troubled butler's gaze, all he did was the wave energetically. Although (Name) didn't wave back, they were less tense after seeing the odd boy be so laid back. But then again he's just some bystander.

Or so they thought.


[773 words]

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