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♡︎♥︎♡︎- time skip
☾☀︎︎ - flashback/past
➪𖨆- present

{{Note}} Sorry that this chapter is rushed, I ain't writing allat fight scenes. I gotta wrap up Alabasta arc (¬_¬)


As the crew rode on the back of the enormous moving crab through the scorching desert.

"Huh?! We can't cross the river with this crab?!" Ussop asked dumbfounded.

Vivi tries to clear Ussop's assumptions about desert crabs. "Moving carbs are creatures of the desert! So they don't take to water."

"But it's literally a crab, right? Look! It's a crab!" Ussop repeatedly smacks the surface of where he's sitting. "This is a problem!"

As the crew talks, (Names) mind wanders to the fight between Luffy and Crocodile. I may be new to the crew, but as their butler, my responsibility is to look after their well-being.

Luffy has unwavering determination and confidence. (Name) didn't know if it was because he truly thinks he can pull it off or he's so simple-minded.

But if (Name) wants to put trust in Luffy they'll just to have continue to support them in any way, offering their services, and praying for their safety.

Their thoughts were cut off when Ussop called out to (Name). "(Name) map." They immediately hand him the map of Alabasta.

"Look here, even if we mindlessly swim across this river there's still much more land to cover—!"

"—SoifwecantgetthiscrabacrosstheshoreWE'RE DOOMED!" Ussop rambles about how the crew won't make it in time.

"We don't have a choice," Nami says calmly.

"It's impossible!" Ussop shouts.

Just as the crew thinks about how to cross the river but also make it in time, Sanji looks ahead to see the river. "Hey, guys! Look over there! It's a river! The Sandora River!"

"AH ALREADY?!" Ussop gasps in fear.

"Come on pincers! You can do it!~" Nami tries to motivate the crab.

Chopper then recalls something that gave him an idea, his doe eyes sparkled "I know! Pincers loves dancing girls!"

Nami took off the clothing covering her dancer outfit, "Will this do?"

"Probably." Chopper gave Nami a nod of encouragement. With no surprise, Sanji and the camel drool over Nami's outfit like a pack of hyenas seeing food.

The crab crawls its legs into the sand as it quickens its pace. "All right, pervy power!!" Chopper cheers.

As the crab accelerated in speed it runs through the pool of water. Surrounded by the wind, it blows through their hair—

Ah, hair in my mouth! (Name) tries to get their face out their face.

—and the salty water splashes on their skin as they couldn't help but but surprised.

𝘗𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘣𝘶𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘳? One Piece {Luffy x gn!reader}Where stories live. Discover now