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♡︎♥︎♡︎- time skip
☾☀︎︎ - flashback/past
➪𖨆- present

A fair warning there's blood and violence ( :O


As the duo dashed through the coast, (Name) couldn't help but notice how serious Luffy looked. Even if it hadn't been long since (Name) had seen him this determined, the atmosphere felt tense.

The lack of words between them only added to the moment. (Name) found it quite admirable, Luffy is no doubt a childish, goofy captain. But when the time is right he's serious.

If I didn't know any better I would think something's wrong with him... (Name) stares at Luffy's running figure from behind, almost like a drill onto his back.

"How much time do we have (Name)?" Luffy asks catching (Name) off guard.

They felt their eyes were somewhat dry due to staring at his back without blinking and rummaging through their leather bag. Slipping out a clock.

"Due to the slight delay of bees and abnormal huge insects attacking us, we only have two hours and a half left." Interesting they—

Wait how did (Name) fit a clock in their bag?

"Most likely it will an additional thirty minutes to arrive at the town. I recommend we finish our business within an hour, then we can make it back to the ship."

"Yeah," Luffy says. Although (Name) couldn't tell if he actually was listening or was too in the moment.

As they gradually approached the town, the silence simmered down into the bustling sounds of chattering crowds and clattering dishes from the local bars and shabby diners.

It jumbled with (Name)'s racing thoughts. Being fixated on the scumbag men who had disrespected Nami played on a loop in (Name)'s mind.

(Name) could sense their face scrunching up and feeling enraged. That filthy man— no, all of them— laughed at Nami. Her voice when she told how humiliating it felt, and being asked if she could be bought.

Luffy stood high on the roof's building in the town, staring down at the town. "(Name), we're here."

"Oh, we made it just in time." (Name) sighs out of relief and stares down at the small buildings. I feel like I should be worried about how long that'll take us. Yet all I can think about is smashing a man's head open.

"(Name)." Luffy turns his head to them, his fist clenching. "Y-Yes?" (Name) replies.

"Plug your ears," Luffy points to his head

"Yes, of course." (Name) immediately obeyed and plugged their ears with their hands. "Like this?"

Luffy inhaled a long, deep breath, filling his lungs. He paused for a brief moment, before yelling at the top of his lungs. "BELLAMYYYY!! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

It was like the whole world stopped moving, and the town suddenly turned silent. Not before long, Bellamy came casually walking to a bar.

"Speak of the devil." Bellamy's smirk widens, and his smug attitude already irritated Luffy and (Name). "You got business with me?"

𝘗𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘣𝘶𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘳? One Piece {Luffy x gn!reader}Where stories live. Discover now