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♡︎♥︎♡︎- time skip
☾☀︎︎ - flashback/past
➪𖨆- present

A/N: ahhh i wanted it to be longer but I needed to upload something, since it's been a while since I've updated..
I hope you like it <3


(Name) could hear the sounds of encouragement from the pirates in the water. Their blurry vision made them hard to see what was in front of them.

(Names) breathe was staggering and heavy, I never knew that Luffy could hit punches harder than Mister Krieg...

Luffy... I underestimated you I was sure that I could kill you fast, but I guess even butlers can be wrong.

Although it was hard to see (Name) could at least notice Luffy huffing as well. (Name) smiles a bit,

"I'm losing against you, don't you notice? I guess I'm useless to Mister Krieg as well now."

"What are you talking about?" Luffy furrows his eyebrows.

"I guess an upcoming pirate wouldn't know about Mister Krieg's rules. 'If you cannot beat your opponent... you are no longer a use', that's one of many of his rules."

Luffy widens his eyes speechless hearing the rule that (Name) has to follow.

His eyebrows narrowed, his teeth pressed hard together, and he tightened his fist.

(Name) awaited for his blow that would end their misery. Please Luffy, you can just end this.

(Name) could feel the breeze of his fist run past them. Their body relaxed for some reason, releasing (Names) tears.

(Name) began to tremble and collapsed on the ground, tears flowing down their cheeks.

Embarrassed, (Name) hit their head on the platform hiding their tears from the pirates watching the scene unfold.

"He didn't kill me... why am I so glad?" (Name) whispers.

(Name) could hear a thud! Behind them was Luffy throwing a hard punch to Mister Krieg's face.

"Come here and fight me like a man, you coward!!" Luffy shouts.


"Tch! I've had enough of you!!" Mister Krieg glares at the boy.

(Name) stood up slowly and walked to the wall of the restaurant. "I feel tired... I'm going to sleep."


(Name) was engulfed in darkness but they could hear the sounds of the rocking sea pushing back and forth.

The wood floors creaked at every push from the sea. And could feel the blazing sun looming over them.

Remembering what just happened (Name) shot up from their nap. Their breathing was heavy, they could feel sweat rolling down their skin. 

"Is that... Mister Krieg being carried...?" (Name) murmured.

"You're awake, (Name). I'm glad to see you're alright." Ghin smiles.

𝘗𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘣𝘶𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘳? One Piece {Luffy x gn!reader}Where stories live. Discover now