Chapter 13

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At Jacobs house, Billy sits in his wheelchair on the porch, surrounded by the pack, including Emily but sans Sam. They wait anxiously.Bella truck pulls up. Amir and Bella hurriedly climbs out. As Bella reaches the porch a loud yell of excruciating pain emanates from inside the house; Jacob.

Amir  flinches, feeling the pain himself. It's all Billy can do to keep it together. Emily, next to him, puts an arm around his shoudlers.

"It's been going on for a while" Quil said.

"Doc's rebreaking his bones" Embry said. Amir reacts to the horror of that. Leah paces.

"Why'd he have to butt in? I could've taken that tick... " Leah said.

"Oh, give it a rest, Leah" Paul said. They all spin toward the front door as it opens Carlisle exits with Sam.

"The worst is over. He'll be alright" Carlisle said. Billy exhales heavily, tears threatening. Sam puts a hand on Billy's shoulder. Emily wraps an arm around Sam's waist.

"I gave him some morphine, but his body temperature will burn it off soon. I'll come back to set up a drip" Carlisle said.

"Thank you" Billy said.

"He asking for you" Carlisle said to Bella.  They all look at her. A combination of pleading "don't hurt him" and threatening  "if you hurt him"  on Bella, as she heads inside.

"Hey, Amir. You need to come around more often" Billy said.

"Yea we be missing you" Embry said.

"You just want to see my bear" Amir said.

"That to. I still can't believe you're a bear shifter" Quil said. Seth pulls him to the side.

"Um" Seth looks down shyly. "What?"

"Can you spend the night with Leah? She having a rough time" Seth asked.

"Sure, I can do that"

"Thank you" Seth said smiling. Amir looks at Leah still seeing her pacing before running off. Eventually is was night time and time to go home for them. Seth drop Amir off at the their house. They walk inside.

"Hello mom I'm home!" Seth yelled.

Sue comes around. "Oh hello, how are you Amir?" Sue asked.

"I'm good and you?"

"I'm good myself thank you. If you are looking for Leah. She's in her room" Sue said. Amir hugs Seth and kisses his forehead before heading off upstairs.

Amir knock on the door to Leah room. 'Come in' a voice says. He walks in to see Leah in her bed with the lights off.
He walks over and lay down beside her. She cuddle up to him closely.

"It's all my fault"

"No it's not. Jacob just wanted to protect you" Amir said.

"For what? To get hurt" Leah said.

"No, but to keep you safe" Amir said. "Since when does he care about you"

"He may not show it, but he always have cared" Amir said.

"Well I hate that he cared" Leah mumbles out.

"I would have done the same" Amir said.

"Don't be stupid"

"I'm not stupid. You worth getting hurt for and even more" Amir said looking down at Leah. Leah looks up into his eyes.

"I love you, Leah"

"I love you too, Amir" She leans in kissing Amir passionately. Amir kisses her soft lips back passionately with love. Moving his lips along hers. It starting to become sexual.

Amir kisses down her lips to her neck softly. Sucking on it while kissing it. Leah moans taking in what he is doing.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Leah asked looking him. He looks back nodding.

"Yes, may i?" She nods. "Yes" Amir kisses her lips deeply laying her down against the bed. It got heated fast.


Amir playing games with Emmett and he won a race.

"You cheater. You can't win like that" Emmett said.

"But I did" Amir said.

"You can't do that. You can't drift like that" Emmett said. Amir laugh. Alice and Jane walks in from talking. Jasper and Alec on the couch watching them play while Rosalie reading her magazine.

"Alice, is it cheating that I drift?" Amir asked. She laughs.

"No, it's not cheating" Alice said.

"Then what he is whining about" Amir said turning to Emmett who pouting. Emmett looks at Rose.

"So you not going to back me up?" Emmett asked Rosalie. Rose look up at him.

"No" she said going back to magazine.

"But babe he cheated" Emmett said.

"He not cheating pouty boy. Get over it" Jane said sitting next to Alec.

"See I was right" Amir said smiling.

"Some how I'm going to prove your wrong" Emmett said facing the tv.

"With what Brain?" Alec mumbles out.


"I'm suppose to say that" Rosalie said to Alec. Amir laughs.

"But you're my wife" Emmett said to Rosalie.

"So, you got to admit your brain don't works" Rosalie said.

"Hey! Be nice to Emmett. Give his brain a chance" Esme said walking into the room.

"Yea- wait Hey!" Emmett yelled. They all laughed.

"Fine, I cheated Emmett. You're happy?" Amir asked.

"Yes, I'm happy" Emmett said smirking.

"Good, food ready Amir" Esme said clapping her hands together one time.
Amir stands up and hugs Esme.

"Thank you, Esme" Amir said walking to the kitchen.

"You're welcome"

Amir couldn't believe it, but his mates are getting along with each other, and he is more than happy about that. They don't care that Jane and Alec was from the Volturi because they no longer with them. They are with the Cullens now officially. No more complaining about that.

Now, they just have to get along with the wolves Leah and Seth. Normally wolves and vampires don't really get along, but when it involves their mate. They going to have to because Amir not going to reject any of them. He going to love them for who they are.

Whichs means even if they don't like each other. They are going to be stuck together. So, they might as well try to like each other because they going to be around each other more often now. Amir wouldn't mind that either.

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