Final: Chapter 10

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Amir is in their house in the living room watching tv cuddling with Alice, Jane and Leah. Seth and Jasper is outside playing soccor with their sons. You heard right sons.

Alice got pregnant this time. Having their next son, Julian. He have black hair and brown eyes. He is half vampire, half bear shifter. What is amazing is that he can choose any meal he likes. Either blood or food. He pick both.

Julian is playing with Lazarus outside with Seth and Jasper. Amir takes the girls off of him.

Alice groans, "Where you going? I was comfortable"

"Going to check on our sons" Amir said. Jane grabs his hand.

"Please don't go yet. They are ok with Jasper and Seth" Jane said.

"They may be, but I'm still going to check on them" Amir said.

"Alright, but please come back" Leah said. Amir nods walking off to the backyard.

Lazarus has short black hair and blue eyes. He is 10 years old now. Julian is 9 years old. Julian age is growing rapidly because he is part vampire. Lazarus is running with the soccor ball. Jasper tried to take the ball gently away from him, but he slide the ball between his legs and went around him kicking the ball into the net.

"Yayyyyy! Got it" Lazarus cheers high fiving Julian.

"Yayyyy!, We can win now" Julian said happily.

"Not if we catch up" Jasper said smirking.

"Don't cheat with your speed" Amir said making Jasper pout.

"Yeaaa daddio, no cheating" Julian said crossing his arms.

"Fine, we won't cheat" Jasper said smiling messing up his hair. Julian try to get away from his hands.

"Dad, are you going to play with us?" Lazarus asked towards Amir.

"Not right now, but soon"

"Awe that sucks" Lazarus mumbles out. Seth runs up and kicks the ball away from Lazarus.


"The game is still on" Seth said laughing. Lazarus catch up to him trying to take the ball.

"Julian help me" Lazarus said.
Julian runs up trying to catch Seth his other father. Amir smiles at them glad they are having fun.

He walks inside the house and up the stairs. When he stop in front of a room with a name on the door.


Their beautiful youngest daughter. Jane got pregnant couple months after Alice and have Adeline. She have blonde hair and brown eyes. She is 12 months. Amir open the doot seeing Alec sitting in a rocking chair with Adeline in his lap reading a book.

Amir watch him read cat in the hat to her. Her eyes slowly closing shut and Alec notice. He smiles and place the book down carrying Adeline to her crib. Alec gently place her down and kisses her forhead.

"Goodnight my sweet little angel" he mumbles quietly as she sleeps smiling. Amir walk up behind Alec and kisses his cheek. Making Alec jump.

"Didn't realize you was here" Alec whispers.

"I just came in" Amir whispers back.

"Makes sense" Alec whispers smiling hugging Amir. Amir hugs him back. Amir then looks at their daughter and kisses her forehead softly.

"Come on. Come cuddle with us" Amir whispers. Alec nods looking at their daughter one more time before they walk out closing the door. Amir holds Alec hand walking down the stairs as Seth and Jaspet come in. The boys come in as well and was about to sit on the couch.

"Hey. No, go take a shower" Leah said.

"But mommmm" Lazarus whines.

"No, buts go" Leah said. Lazarus walks up stairs.

"You too, Julian. Go take a shower" Alice said.

"I don't like showers mom" Julian whines.

"Doesn't matter. You stink. Go shower" Julian sighs and walks up the stairs to shower. Jasper sits down next to Alice cuddling her. Seth sits next to Leah.

Amir and Alec comes down and sits between Jane and Alice. Janes smiles cuddling Amir while Alec continues holding his hand.

"Did you guys have fun?" Leah asked.

"Yes, it was really fun. The boys won by 2 points" Seth said.

"You gone easy on them right?" Leah asked giving Jasper and Seth the look.

"Yes, we was easy on them but don't tell them that" Jasper said.

"Alright, we won't" Alice said.

"What movie you guys want to watch?" Seth asked.

"Let's watch disney" Alice said.

"Ew no. Let's watch a scary movie" Jane said.

"Why so you can laugh through the movie?" Alice said glaring at Jane. Jane just smirks.


"Why don't we let Amir choose" Jasper said.

"Yea good idea, let him choose" Alec said.

"Fine" Leah said whining. Amir looks at her.

"My movie taste not that bad"

"I don't know.." Leah said shrugging.

"Is it really that bad?" Amir said pouting.

"No it's not. Ignore my sister" Seth said. Amir smiles.

"Alright, then we watching Rush hour" Amir said. Amir gets up and grab the case. Putting the dvd in. Setting up the tv. When someone slaps Amir ass making him fall backgrounds on the ground. Amir turn out to see who it is. They all are pointing at each other. Jasper laughs pointing as well.

"Whoever it is. Did you really have to slap my ass that hard?" Amir asked.

"Yes" Alec said laughing causing everyone to laugh. The movie then started. Amir cuddle into them as the boys come back fresh and clean from their shower sitting on the couch with them.

"What we watching?" Lazarus asked.

"Rush hour" Jane said.

"Love that movie" Julian said happily. They all watch the movie together like a happy family.

Amir love his family he created together with his mates. He love his sons and daughter for the way they are. They mean everything to him. Amir will do anything to protect them because they ate his world. He also appreciate the Cullens for helping him find his mates along with Bella. Amir mom, Mina been supported throughout his relationships and love being a grandma. Charlie also didn't mind bein a grandpa.

Everything is perfect just like he wanted. A weird loving big family.

This is the story of Amir adventure through out twilight. I hope you Enjoy it. This is my first time writing a fanfiction. 💜

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