Chapter2 (His life)

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Hello guys

Regarding previous update i got questions like "why should khushi suffer? what is her mistake?

Answer of this questions is "she didnt stand up for herself when her parents asked her to marry a unknown person. She didnt stand for herself when her in-laws kept a condition of leaving job". She trusted her parents blindly.  So they took her for granted. I truly believe "if we respect ourself then only others will respect us, if we don't respect our own self then no one can". Give a thought of "what would have happened if she refused her parents for this marriage or asked them details of arnav and met him".

Though this are small mistakes, they will make big difference in life. I hope everyone are clear. Lets move in to next part of story.

Arnav Singh Raizada:

   A name which doesnt requires an introduction. Everyone knows how arrogant and heartless he is. Fifteen years ago he was the naughtiest in his family, perfect example of trouble maker. A mumma's boy. Everything changed one fateful day.

ASR's past:-

   Rathna and Aravind malik's marriage is arranged by their parents. At first everything was good between them, they are perfect example for lovely couple. After two years, rathna gave birth to Anjali. Slowly, Aravind started to change. He used to come home late and leave to office early. Like before he didnt used spend time with rathna or anjali. Even rathna also noticed this changes but shrugged off thinking it as a work tension. when anjali was 4 years old, rathna gave birth to Arnav. Arnav is very active kid and intelligent. Aravind still didnt changed his
behaviour. But rathna didnt gave thought to all this things, she is happy with her children and husband. when Anjali was 18, her father fixed her marriage with his friends son.

   Everyone are happy. When it is almost time to take anjali to mandap, aravind looked tensed. Rathna saw him going to his study room with a lady and she follows them. When she hears their conversation her world came to end. Her husband is having affair with some other lady. And the lady(aarthi) is demanding him to divorse rathna and marry her. What shocked her more is her husband agreed for it. She stumbled back few steps and turn to walk away in that process her hand hit the flowervase making aravind and aarthi aware of his presence. A shocked aravind fallowed rathna who entered his room and took out his licensed revolver. He tried to stop her but it was late. Rathna shoot herself and in the guilt aravind took his gun and shot himself. (Here comes another lady to trust her husband blindly for 16 years)

   In all this No one noticed Arnav who have a blank expression on his face. When he saw his mother running from alter he followed her.His little heart got broken by vitnessing his own parents death. His mother was his first love, teacher and friend. She always used to tell him dont punish roses for the mistakes of thrones. But what she did, she punished her children for her husband mistakes.

    Anjali's marriage got broken when arvind's brother announced reason for his death to world. Everyone cursed aarthi and aravind for spoiling 4 lives. After funeral, arnav's chacha(uncle) throwed them out of house and took all the properties under his name. Raizada's who came to visit anjali wedding took arnav and anjali with them to delhi. Arnav was the most effected person in all this. Anjali used to cry days to reduce the pain but arnav didnt shred even a drop of tear. He isolated himself and became an introvert. He became more arrogant.

Arnav got admission in Harvard's university to pursue fashion designing course. He started his business there itself and after a lot of struggles he can able to stabilize it and after that he snatched all his properties from his uncle and sent him to jail. When he was 24 he came to india with his 2 months old daughter.(There is more to his past which will be revealed in further story)

    Though he was against to love and marriage his family convinsed him to marry atleast for the sake of his daughter. After long three years of pursuing he agreed to marry. They fixed her marriage with a girl called Lavanya who was very sweet to avni. After their engagement, he went to lavanya house to give wedding dress on anjali's insistence. When he reached there he overhears her talking with a friend how much she hate avni, once she got married to arnav how she planned to take him away from his family and avni. After this there is no turning back, he stopped thinking about marriage. His view on girls changed.

     He is happy with his daughter, avni is apple of his eyes. Now the same daughter is asking him to bring mummy to her. He knows who is behind this request, his family. When he refused to get married his lovely daughter stopped talking to him. So, with no other choice he agreed to marry but he is having other idea's in his brain.

   But shockingly within 2 days anjali came with marriage proposal and they fixed marriage within in a week. He asked about girls detials but his family refused to give him( intelligent they are, they know if arnav get girl
details surely he will make her reject this proposal).

   Now the great Arnav Singh Raizada with sulking face sitting in alter waiting for his bride. He cant believe he is getting married to unknown girl. With in a blink marriage came to an end and they reached shanthivan with different thoughts in his mind.

Thats it for today guys, next part will be thier first actual meet(fight). There is lot of secrets in Arnav to reveal. Stay tuned. Thank you all.

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